While talking and laughing, suddenly, park Min Ho glanced at his hands shaking like the wind from the window of the ward. His mouth seemed to be shouting something. It seemed that his expression was extremely nervous, afraid and afraid.

Park Min Ho flew out. When Luo Xiwei reacts, park minhao has already stood nervously in front of AI Shouxin's hospital bed.

"Keep your word! Keep your word! What's the matter with you? " Park Min Ho yelled hard, but he could only see his faith shaking as usual, but park Min Ho had nothing to do.

At this time, luoxiwei also rushed to the ward: "quick, ring the bell in front of the bed."

Under the hint of Luo Xiwei, park Min Ho suddenly touched the bell in front of the bed. After that, Dr. Xue arrived in a hurry.

"Not good!" Doctor Xue began to press his body for Shouxin while he was chanting. After a while, the trustworthiness of the hand is no longer shaking, people also gradually sober up.

It's just that his consciousness is still hazy.

"Dr. Xue." Park Min Ho said, "how is the child?"

"It's OK with the child. Maybe he's too nervous. That's why the convulsion happened just now. Maybe he's under a lot of psychological pressure recently. You should do a good job of counseling him. " Dr. Xue said.

"Psychological pressure?" Park Min Ho said, "he is still so small, how can there be such a great psychological pressure?"

"Well, he has to ask himself. In a moment, you can ask him if there is anything unhappy recently." Dr. Xue ordered.

"Is it related to his family?" Park Min Ho guessed.

"Well, your relatives should have a good communication with him. Children's psychological growth is as important as their physical health. I hope your relatives can pay more attention to their children's psychological development." Dr. Xue said, "although the child's physical condition is stable now, psychological factors may also affect the patient's condition. He needs good care. In particular, the parents will take care of him, otherwise, the child will not receive the attention of his parents for a long time, and it is not impossible for the disease to deteriorate. "

"We see." Park Min Ho agreed and sent Dr. Xue away. Then, he took good care of him until he got rid of his confusion and recovered to the mental state with round eyes.

But, from time to time, his eyes glanced out of the window, as if expecting something.

"Keep your word." Park Min Ho called him.

"Uncle." Trustworthiness wrongly looked out of the window, "it's so dark outside, why hasn't my father come?"

Park Min Ho was speechless.

"Sister, why hasn't my father come yet?" Trustworthiness turned his head to Luo Xiwei, and his tears were about to fall down like this, "is he not coming? He's not coming, is he? "

Luo Xiwei immediately squatted down and gently whispered at the bedside of his trustworthiness: "be faithful and good. Since Dad has promised to come back, he will certainly come. Before dad comes, can my sister tell you a story? When the story is over, maybe dad will arrive

"Well." AI Shouxin nodded his head in disbelief, and he really began to listen to the story Luo Xiwei told him.

Park Min Ho on one side looked at Luo Xiwei so gentle, grinning and listening. Luo Xiwei that pair of gentle and loving appearance, let Park minhao see more heart.

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