When she came out of the elevator of the magazine building, Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao in disbelief: "President Park, what did chief editor AI tell you just now? Why are you so happy?"

"What have we said? Have you heard it?" Park Min Ho said lightly.

"I heard it all." But I don't know what you said. I don't understand Luo Xiwei pursed her mouth and said subconsciously.

"Then I can't help it." Park Min Ho said, "with your intelligence, you really can't understand what we are talking about."

"You..." Luo Xiwei was not angry and said, "that's because I didn't see the contents of the magazine. If I did, I would know what you were talking about."

"Is it?" Park Min Ho deliberately took out a questioning tone and said, "with your intelligence quotient, I'm afraid even if you see the contents of the magazine, I don't know what AI Honghui wants to do."

"Trick?" Luo Xiwei even more doubts, "what is he going to do? Why are you so happy if he's going to play tricks? "

"Say important things three times. With your intelligence quotient, you have no idea what we men are talking about, what our intention is, and what our respective plans and plans are." Park Min Ho sneered, "Luo Xi Wei, you say, I said right or wrong?"

"Maybe you're right, but I'll also have my understanding." Luo Xiwei filled her steps with anger and gradually stopped. Park Min Ho, who was still in ecstasy, was still walking on his own, not aware of what changes had taken place in Luo Xiwei's mind.

Just when Park Min Ho was about to open the co pilot's seat and invite Luo Xiwei in, he found that Luo Xiwei was still sitting on the steps of the magazine building!

Park Min Ho ran over three steps at a time, shaking his right hand in front of the dazed Luo Xiwei: "what's the matter with you, Wei Wei?"

Luo Xiwei did not say a word. She turned her body to the other side and turned her back to park Min Ho.

"Are you angry?" Park Min Ho asked, "is it because I said you were stupid and angry?"

"Park Minho, tell me more!" Luoxiwei's voice grew louder and the timbre began to tremble.

"All right, all right." Park Min Ho's voice became particularly gentle, and his eyes became warm. He finally recovered from his arrogance and began to think seriously. Seeing that Luo Xiwei's tears were about to burst out of her eyes, she could not help but stretch out her hand to wipe the tears from her face.

The more Park Min Ho was like this, the more luoxiwei wanted to cry. He made fun of himself for a while. Seeing that he was angry, he became so gentle that luoxiwei could no longer control herself and wanted to cry from the bottom of his heart.

A drop of golden beans fell down and fell on Park Min Ho's thumb, which was about to wipe her tears. It was boiling hot, and it hurt Park Min Ho's heart full of love for her.

Park Min Ho's heart has never been so affected by a girl's emotions. As long as he sees her smile, he is more happy than anything, as if the whole world has been blooming for him. Seeing her cry, he felt as if he had lost the whole world. So he moved his whole body with one hair, which made Park Min Ho's whole body and mind sensitive for Luo Xiwei.

Maybe, this is the feeling of love. Park Min Ho knew that this time, if Luo Xiwei was not around him, he would not be able to live.

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