"A year later, I finally learned foreign technology. Originally intended to return home with joy, the company suddenly arranged for me to work in a company in the United States for half a year. In the past six months, the company has paid me a high salary, which is what ordinary people may not be able to earn for two years. When I told Qiu Xian the news, she did not feel unhappy, but supported me to stay in the United States. At that time, I swore that after half a year, when I got my salary and my job was stable, I would stay with them no matter whether I returned home or took over Qiu Xian's mother and son, and I would never be separated from them again. " Park said.

"And then what happened? Why did you abandon them? " Park Min Ho said, "or why did they abandon you?"

"In an American company, I met your mother. She is beautiful, gentle and generous. She is very knowledgeable and insightful. From the first time I saw her, I knew that she was a very excellent and outstanding woman, the dream lover of many men and the goddess in everyone's eyes." Park Zhentian recalled carefully.

"So you changed your mind, started chasing my mother, and forgot the woman who had been waiting for you for more than a year and gave birth to you?" Park Min Ho sneered.

Park Zhentian didn't directly answer Park Minho's question. He continued to say to himself, "but I know that since your mother is so beautiful and excellent, I'm not as good as him anywhere, so I'm sure I can't catch up with him."

"You know yourself." I don't know why, at the moment, park Min Ho only ridiculed and sneered at his father. He hated him and hated such a man who always abandoned his irresponsibility to women. He hated him so much that he wanted to humiliate him with all the ugly things in the world.

"But I really appreciate your mother, so I often find opportunities to chat up with her. Although many people like her, I am the only one who can show up every time she needs to be like me. When she is hungry, I will accompany her to dinner. When she is ill, I will ask for leave to take care of her. If she is bored, I will accompany her to the place she wants to go. Slowly, we have feelings between the two of us, and you. " Park said, "I know I'm not doing it right, but I can't control myself. I'm deeply attracted by the breath of your mother. She's so educated, and I'm just a jerk. I'm lucky that she can trust me and trust her life to me Park said.

"But I didn't expect you to be so unworthy in the end!" Park Min Ho was so angry that he bit his teeth.

"Yes. I'm not worth trusting. I cheated your mother and failed Qiu Xian. I hurt two good women who really love me Park said, "with you, I married your mother. I wrote to Qiuxian and told her that I had been married, and I hoped she would forget me. I was sorry for her and told her not to be sad, not to be sad, and to let her find a good man to marry

"She does listen to you." Park Min Ho took a look at Li Meiluo, who stood beside and listened to her eyes full of tears. "Otherwise, she would not be standing here today."

Li Meiluo didn't make a sound. She stood there with her head down. Her face was red and her eyes were red.

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