Just as Li Meiluo took a step forward and was about to put her center of gravity forward on Park minhao, she suddenly heard such a word in her ear.


This word is hard and resolute. It's just like rejecting a thing that we are determined to put an end to.

That is to say, such determination hurt li Meiluo's sincere heart. She was so eager to get the warmth from Park Min Ho, but after talking with Park Min Ho for so long, she got such a firm refusal. So, before their conversation is not all nonsense, even a joke?

"Park Min Ho." Li Meiluo was a bit of a teacher and a criminal, "what do you mean? Didn't you just say you think I'm cute and like me a little? Besides, you said that if there was no luoxiwei, maybe you would be with me! "

"I'm sorry." Park Min Ho was very sorry for what he had said. He could not get rid of the bad habit of joking with even a little girl he liked, so he often made girls misunderstood. Just like he teased Luo Xiwei again and again, often making her unhappy, but still unable to control himself, and continued to do so again and again, without remorse.

At the moment, park Min Ho, except "sorry", can not find any words of repentance to face Li Meiluo.

"Park Min Ho, are you kidding me?" Li Meiluo's heart seemed to be torn apart. She fell on the ground one by one. Her heart was broken and her tears and blood were dripping all over the ground.

"I'm sorry, I can't take you for Roxie." Said Park Min Ho.

What does that mean? He can't think of her as luoxiwei, but can he think of her as Li Meiluo? Does it mean that he can love her without replacing her?

But in an instant, Li Meiluo woke up from her fantasy. Looking at Park Min Ho's resolute eyes, Li Meiluo understood that for herself, park Min Ho did not have the patience and gentleness of Luo Xiwei. His eyes were full of tenderness only when he looked at luoxiwei. But now he looked at her in the eyes, but it was cold, without any tenderness.

"All right." Li Meiluo tried her best to control her mood, and her silent tears finally fell down.

At the moment, however, park Min Ho has nothing to do. In the past, he was misunderstood by girls because of his poverty of speech. Those girls usually scolded him or punched and kicked him. Although women's strength was very small, they could not hurt at all, but at least they made up for his fault by punishing him.

However, in addition to Luo Xiwei, park Min Ho met a second woman who made up for his mistakes by punishing herself. The two of them would not cry out too much, and they would not cry out too much.

Park Min Ho couldn't stand it. He was afraid to see a girl cry. Park Min Ho often felt that good girls like them were like angels with broken wings. So they don't have the ability to protect themselves.

When he thought of this, park Min Ho inexplicably thought of Luo Xiwei, the kind girl who needed his protection, the girl he wanted to protect carefully.

When Li Meiluo left in silence, park Min Ho found that at that moment, he was worried about Luo Xiwei and had not even had time to comfort her.

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