"Or else?" Park min - Ho spread out his hands and looked very helpless. "What do you think is the solution? You don't know my father. From childhood to adulthood, he is in charge of everything in my family. He said one, it must not be two. If someone goes against his will, he will be very angry until someone solemnly apologizes to him and explains to him where he is wrong. I used to think that he was a little childish, sometimes quite cute. But now, I know that he is not right in everything. My mother is not a housewife without her own opinions. She just loves her father too much, which leads to her humble position in her father's eyes. And I have made it clear that luoxiwei is very important in my mind. I can't give up her for anyone or anything. Therefore, in my father's eyes, I am a bad boy who has made a mistake and refuses to admit it. The only way for me to get out of here is to bow down to his old man and tell him that I will have nothing to do with luoxiwei from now on. That's what he wants. "

"Why don't you just do that? At least, you can pretend to admit your mistake to Chairman Park, and you can take your time to deal with the latter matters. " Li Meiluo suggested.

"No way." Park Minho said with great certainty, "I am a man, I will not be a man who does not keep his word. Especially when it comes to the woman you love. I don't think I'm wrong, I love lothia, love is not wrong, I'm not wrong, so I don't need to admit it Park minhao had no taboo to expound his position in front of Li Meiluo.

"I didn't expect you to love her so much." Li Meiluo was a little jealous, but she knew from the bottom of her heart that she was helpless. She didn't expect that he would not do such things as telling a little lie to his father for the time being in order to hide from the world. This shows how deep his true feelings for Luo Xiwei are.

Looking at Li Meiluo's infatuated and desperate eyes, park minhao unconsciously found that he did not seem to be astringent enough. In the face of a woman who really likes himself, how can he express his heart and reveal his love for other women? Even though Veronica didn't have a few days to say on the topic. But he shut up. He knew that in front of Li Meiluo, who really liked her, he could not beat her too much, so as not to make her look embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." Park Min Ho apologized, "I shouldn't have said so much to you. I feel like It's a little wordy. "

"No!" Li Meiluo said, "I should thank you for saying that, so that I can know that you can't hold any other woman in your heart except luoxiwei. In this way, I can give up my heart. You do it for my good. "

"Thank you. Meiluo. " Park Min Ho knew that everything was in silence. At this moment, nothing can express his inner regret for Li Meiluo. After saying so much that she should not have said, if Li Meiluo really loves him, she must have been deeply hurt.

Li Meiluo smiles at Park minhao. The helplessness and loneliness mixed in that smile need to contain the magnanimity and tolerance of women. Maybe only Li Meiluo knows.

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