"Oh." Luo Xiwei promised, but still could not escape that lonely embarrassment.

Park Zhihao looked at his mobile phone and it was time to get off work at noon. But don't know why, his heart still does not want to give up Luo Xiwei, as long as his vision away from her, he will be full of hesitation, all kinds of anxiety.

"Let's go. It's off work." Park Zhihao said to Luo Xiwei.


"Accompany me to dinner." Park Zhihao said very naturally.

Luo Xiwei didn't know what to do. On weekdays, it was Park Min Ho who said this to her, but this time it was park's turn to say so to her. She felt a little flattered. She didn't know how to respond and how to express herself. Be taken by surprise, she as like as two peas and Pu Minhao, who was the first to invite her to dinner and send her a sports car.

"Eat?" Luo Xiwei said, "I Where to eat? "

"Go across to the company." Park Zhihao walked out as he spoke. When he walked out of the president's office, Luo Xiwei still didn't follow him. He urged, "hurry up, go with me."

"President Park I still I'd better eat in the company, eat downstairs Convenient. You don't have to run that far... " Luoxiwei road.

"I'm the president. You have to listen to me." Said Park Chi ho in a commanding tone.

However, Luo Xiwei's legs had no choice but to follow the past. Behind Park Zhihao's back, she was like a little Valet, just like when she was with Park Min Ho.

In such a large company, of course, there are many people who see Luo Xiwei. Seeing that Luo Xiwei colludes with Park minhao in the front foot and park Zhihao in the back foot, the women in the company naturally have a lot of words to say.

"Look at this Luo Xiwei. She's not very good-looking, but she has the ability to hook up with her superiors."

"Yes, as soon as the former President Park left, she couldn't bear to be lonely. She immediately took the current President Park in her own bowl and didn't leave any opportunities for others."

"It's good to be a secretary. You can have dinner with the president every day. Don't say that you can go to the major restaurants to eat delicious food every day. The appearance of the two presidents alone will be delicious. Don't tell me to eat with the president. As long as I can watch them eat at the same time, I am willing to eat steamed bread every day! " The front desk in general of flower infatuation says incomparably.

"With your IQ?" Standing behind the fanatic, the woman lengbu Ding said in a sarcastic tone, "with your intelligence, at most you will cheat the security uncle at the door. Can you also dazzle our two elegant presidents like our Secretary Luo? You are still young! Secretary Luo's methods are comparable to those of ordinary people. "

Laughter. Behind them, there was a burst of laughter from the women who were talking happily. Some of them laughed up and down, and some of them trembled with laughter. Luo Xiwei could hear that kind of laughter. It was teasing, sarcasm, disobedience and disdain. She was very embarrassed. She had never thought of taking the initiative to hook up with anyone, but she was misunderstood by her colleagues. Naturally, she was not happy.

Just as he was about to walk out of yanmiao group building, park Zhihao stopped. He took a look at Luo Xiwei, who was very embarrassed beside him. He couldn't help but feel pity: "Luo Xiwei, can you listen to them when they say that about you?"

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