This time, Luo Xiwei never said a word "no" to park minhao. Perhaps because of Li Meiluo's stimulation, Luo Xiwei hopes to understand more and more clearly that there may be only one man like park Min Ho who loves her so much. Since he loves her so much and she loves him, why not give each other a chance to let their youth bloom? Why refuse frequently, make men sad, women not reconciled?

Although the food in this restaurant is not as good as the previous one, it may be the best meal for luoxiwei in her life. Because, park Min Ho and Li Meiluo were feeding each other almost all the way through the meal. They almost killed all the diners in this restaurant!

Some girls can't stand such a scene of love, thinking that they are still a single dog with no one to love. They eat in a hurry, pick up their bags and run away.

Time is cruel. Soon, Luo Xiwei will go back to work.

For Roxie, it's just going to work. But in park Min Ho's opinion, where is work, it's just a sheep's mouth! He was even a little annoyed that Luo Xiwei was recruited to the company as a secretary. If you want her to be your girlfriend, why do you have to work so hard? Just raise her!

"Weiwei..." Park Min Ho was eager to speak but stopped.


"You've already eaten what I fed you, and there's my saliva on my tableware." Said Park Min Ho.

"What's the matter?" Luo Xiwei didn't understand what Park Min Ho was talking about.

"Now that you've eaten my saliva." Park Min Ho said, "are you my girlfriend?"

Luo Xiwei lowered her head a little shyly. She wanted to say "yes", but she didn't feel reserved. To say "no" is against the real will of his heart. He is too sorry for himself, and even more sorry for his infatuation. All she could do was silence.

Seeing Luo Xiwei's silent red face, park Min Ho's heart naturally already knows. Usually, when he said this kind of words, Luo Xiwei either refused willfully or ignored him indifferently. And this time, none. So, obviously, park knows what it means. He gently pushed his whole head forward, and slowly approached luoxiwei.

Get close, get close, get closer Finally, like a dragonfly skimming the water, park minhao's lips have completed an arduous and important task today.

Next to a little girl in her early twenties, she pouts her lips obsessively. Unfortunately, the girl who can enjoy Park Min Ho's tenderness is not her. After fantasizing for a while, the girl also had to leave dejectedly. She didn't want to see herself reduced to a single dog while others were showing love.

After Park Min Ho completed this action, many girls nearby gave a warm applause. They do not seem to know Park Min Ho, in their eyes, park Min Ho can not see a little jealousy, but only blessing.

"Wow! How romantic A girl suddenly stood up and screamed.

"Promise her!" Then a lot of people began to agree.

"Yes, promise The crowd cheered together, and their hearts were filled with sincere wishes for the young people.

"Thank you. Thank you for your encouragement Said Park Min Ho. , the fastest update of the webnovel!