"It seems unlikely." Xue can said, comforting himself in a low voice, "I hope it's impossible, so I'll lose a rival in love."

"What do you say?" Luo Xiwei is still thinking of something in her mind when she is away from home. She has not heard Xue can clearly. When she reacts, Xue can has finished.

"Ah?" Xue canzhen is glad that Luo Xiwei didn't hear him talking to himself. As a matter of fact, Xue can is completely sure that Luo Xiwei, who is one meter away from him, does not hear him saying, "no, nothing I just think this President Park is too weird. He took you out to lunch just yesterday. In the afternoon, he deliberately made trouble for you, and this morning he kept calling you on the phone. He couldn't get through, so he was in such a hurry You haven't seen Park Zhihao's nervous appearance. To make a bad analogy, it's like It's like... " When talking about this, Xue can't help laughing, a little unable to say.

This smile forced Luo Xiwei to be anxious: "like what? You said it

"It's like a married man who can't get through to his daughter-in-law and is afraid that she will come out of the wall." As Xue can speaks, he spreads his legs and runs away.

"Well, you Xue can, you'll know nonsense!" Luo Xiwei is chasing after Xue can. This kind of feeling is just like the scene that jonai was chasing in the University.

At that time, jonai still loved her and loved her incomparably. If she wanted to go east, jonai would not dare to go west.

At that time, jonai had a lot of opposite sex admiring him. However, he still chose her among the many beauties and turned a blind eye to all the other girls. All the people admired luoxiwei and thought that jonai had a deep affection for her.

At that time, luoxiwei was full of longing for love and full of confidence in her and jonai's future. However, the results are often unexpected.

Before Luo Xiwei had time to feel her ridiculous love, she was shocked by what Xue can had sent. He had already made two meals and put them on the table.

And his hands, do not know when a big cake. The cake box is big and beautiful.

"Xue can." Luo Xiwei didn't realize that there was any difference. She sat in front of Xue can very well, "is today your birthday?"

Xue can shook his head: "No

"What are you doing with such a big cake? Is there any activity in the company? " Luo Xiwei changed her mind. All she could think of was this.

"No Xue can smiles mysteriously. "Today is the birthday of a girl I like. I want to give it to her."

"Yes?" Luo Xiwei was smiling and didn't think of anything at all. She chewed the food and suddenly realized something, "so you have a girl you like. This meal is not for me It's not what I wanted to give to others I've already eaten... " Luo Xiwei is a little embarrassed.

"It's OK. The meal is for you." Xue can said as he ate. He also felt very strange. Was he wrong? This is absolutely impossible! Looking back on his first day of reporting to yanmiao group, he had already seen her birthday on the resume he had collected and specially recorded it in his heart. In addition, for fear of forgetting, he also photographed the date of her birthday on her resume with his mobile phone

Yes! Maybe I remember wrong! Xue can quickly takes out his mobile phone and looks for the photo in it.

Yes, it is today.

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