The play seemed to go well in the afternoon.

However, for a moment, Luo Xiwei especially missed Park Min Ho. Although Luo Xiwei is very serious in filming, she is always used to looking for park minhao from the crowd when she finishes a play. Until she finds it, she can be completely at ease. Park Min Ho's heart is filled with warmth and power. Sometimes Park Min Ho is full of confidence in her.

However, this time, when Luo Xiwei searched the crowd again for park Min Ho, she could not find his face.

Originally, it was very easy to find. Park Min Ho was slightly taller than ordinary people, and his appearance was much higher than that of ordinary people. Even if he is left in the actor group, I am afraid she can find him at a glance. However, this time, Luo Xiwei's eyes have already searched for two circles, and she can't find the shadow of Park minhao.

"Park Min Ho." Luoxiwei recited his name in silence, as if he would appear as soon as he read his name.

However, this is useless, park Min Ho is still missing.

However, Luo Xiwei remembers what Park Min Ho said. He will always be here waiting for her and watching her film. How could he suddenly disappear? Could something have happened? Luo Xiwei's anxiety and uneasiness instantly turned into worry. She was worried about Park Min Ho's personal safety. Did he run around? Have you had an accident? Or was he tied up? Or were they taken away by people under Pu Zhentian? Numerous questions crossed her mind and made her restless.

"What's the matter with you, Rosie?" Luo Kai suddenly found that luoxiwei was pale and ugly, and seemed to be very anxious. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"I It's a little uncomfortable. " Said Luo Xiwei. This is her old problem. Every time she worries about others, she will think wildly. If she thinks about it, she will turn pale, and then she will feel sick

Luo Xiwei really began to feel a little dizzy. She didn't know what to do.

"Xuehui, go and pour a cup of brown sugar water for Weiwei. It seems that she has a little hypoglycemia." Luo Kai shouts to Cheng Xuehui.

"Oh." Cheng Xuehui is very unhappy to help Luo Xiwei prepare brown sugar water, mouth muttering, "by what is I ah! I'm the future leading actor. Luo Kai, Luo Kai, you will really go along with the trend. Let me serve tea and water for an unknown little actor! Here are full of staff, why should I go! Even if I have leisure time, I have to take time to recite my lines. Actually, I have to do this kind of service work. Good you Luo Kai, good you Luo Xi Wei, have you good-looking in the future

Ling Xinyang follows Cheng Xuehui behind her back. She looks very charming from her back: "Xuehui, or, I'll go."

"No more." Cheng Xuehui said faintly, "I'll go."

Ling Xinyang or very considerate to follow Cheng Xuehui behind, to the destination, assist her to take the cup, and take the boiling water to her. Ling Xinyang knows that Cheng Xuehui has always been a golden lady, and she is not suitable for such a thing. Therefore, for Cheng Xuehui, she really only poured water. Even after pouring water, the action of mixing sugar water is all done by Ling Xinyang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!