"Well..." Song Zhiheng was a little embarrassed by park Min Ho, he handed the pink heart in his hand to park Min Ho, "that would trouble President Park."

"You're welcome." Park Min Ho raised his head and saw Luo Kai bring a breakfast at this time and handed it to him, "President Park, this is your breakfast."

"Thank you, rodeo." Park Min Ho took the chopsticks very aggressively and ate them very simply and elegantly.

At this time, Cheng Xuehui did not know when she also suddenly appeared in the restaurant. She has put on her make-up, leaving lipstick on. Her eyes were fixed on the direction of Luo Xiwei and park Min Ho. Her eyes were dull and dull.

Song Zhiheng looks at Cheng Xuehui very intoxicated. It seems that her eyes are strange. It seems that she is not as beautiful and fresh as a goddess as yesterday.

When Luo Xiwei went to make up, the makeup artist warmly welcomed her, which made Luo Xiwei feel at a loss.

The makeup artist told her that all this was arranged by Luo. Director Luo originally wanted Luo Xiwei to be the first one to make up, so as to shoot the part of female No.1 earlier. But he was afraid that she would be hungry, so he asked her to eat first and then make up. He called Cheng Xuehui and other people to make up first.

I can't see. This roke is really taking care of her. Thought Luo Xiwei. Although she doesn't like Luo Kai very much, after all, she has already known a little broken thing between Cheng Xuehui and Luo Kai. No matter whether they really become boyfriend and girlfriend out of love, or exchange with each other for certain interests, in Luo Xiwei's opinion, Luo Kai doesn't really love Cheng Xuehui. Otherwise, Cheng Xuehui will not be so full of resentment to Luo Kai and scold him in the morning. Can let a woman so scold his man, then this man is not really good to this woman?

Luo Xiwei doesn't want to think about these again. After all, this is between Luo Kai and Cheng Xuehui. However, Luo Xiwei does not like those men who are not good to their girlfriends. Although Luo Kai is very kind to her, and song Zhiheng is a little angry with her, but Luo Xiwei appreciates song Zhiheng more. Because he is so persistent in pursuing his love and concentrating on the girl in his heart, Luo Xiwei is so moved that when he asks for his help, she can't find any reason to refuse.

Luo Xiwei is emotional. In her heart, love is always the supreme thing, and it is not allowed to be desecrated.

Then there were more and more people in the dressing room. Luo Xiwei's make-up has been put on for a long time. Since she entered the door, the dressing room next to her has already made up for three girls and five boys. However, luoxiwei's makeup is still at an end.

Looking at her more and more beautiful in the mirror, Luo Xiwei's mood began to bloom. She never thought that she could be so beautiful. She likes herself just like the pure and beautiful Cheng Xuehui on TV. She looks at herself in the mirror and her eyes are straight. She can't bear to leave it for half a second.

It's a perverted narcissist! Luo Xiwei evaluated herself secretly in her heart. However, really, really, too good-looking, she has never seen such a beautiful woman, even more beautiful than Cheng Xuehui.

Even the makeup artist himself was shocked: "Luo Xiwei, originally, you are a hidden beauty!"

"No, it's your make-up skills." Luo Xiwei said, "yesterday's makeup is not so delicate." However, Luo Xiwei just finished saying that she had said something wrong. In this way, how could she not belittle yesterday's makeup artist? She quickly covered her mouth and looked around. Fortunately, the makeup artist was not here yesterday.

"You mean the makeup artist on the set yesterday? In fact, she's just a mender. She doesn't know how to make up. I was busy yesterday. I helped the actors make up in the hotel in the morning and left Luo Xiwei's makeup artist said.

"So it is." Luo Xiwei breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately did not offend people.

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