"Doctor, doctor!" Park Min Ho ran quickly and rushed out of luoxiwei's ward. He yelled in front of her ward. Seeing several doctors passing by, he grabbed a doctor and said, "doctor, help me have a look. Wei Wei is awake, but why doesn't she remember me?"

Luo Xiwei's doctor in charge heard Park Min Ho's shouting all the way. He ran all the way over and said hello to the young doctor who had been caught. Then he said to park minhao, "what's the matter, shouting?"

"Doctor, she woke up, but she said she didn't know me..." Park Min Ho helplessly grabbed the doctor, "help me to see what happened to her."

Luo Kai heard the wind, and he stood in front of the door of luoxiwei's ward, watching all this quietly.

The doctor touched Luo Xiwei's head without any abnormality. Then he asked luoxiwei, "do you have any discomfort now?"

Luo Xiwei looked at the doctor and frowned: "is this the hospital? Why am I in the hospital? " She tried to think about the reason why she came to the hospital, but she couldn't remember. However, as soon as she thought about these problems, her brain began to ache inexplicably.

"Your head was hurt by the impact, but fortunately you have a little skin injury, not very serious." The doctor said, "how do you feel about your head now, except that it hurts in a broken place."

"My head hurts!" "You said I got hit on the head, but I can't remember when, where and how I got hurt," said rothiway As she spoke, she held her head in her hands and tried to think about everything, but she still couldn't remember anything.

"Do you know him?" The doctor pointed to park Min Ho and asked Luo Xiwei.

Luo Xiwei or a face dazed to shake head: "have not seen."

"Weiwei, why don't you know me? How can you not know me Don't you remember me, park min hee? Don't you really remember Park Min Ho of yanmiao group? " He made all the movements he thought Luo Xiwei would be familiar with, like a clown performing for the crowd. He looked at Luo Xiwei with a pair of eyes full of eager expectation, hoping that there were still some fragments left in her mind, and that she could think of something.

Luo Xiwei was moved by park Min Ho's efforts. I can't tell why. When Park Min Ho did those moves, Luo Xiwei could clearly feel a trace of warmth. She seemed to have a sense of being loved and familiar with her family

Nothing, however, helped. Luo Xiwei still can't figure out who he is. Park Min Ho's face is still strange to Luo Xiwei. She shook her head weakly: "I'm sorry, I really can't remember anything..."

"So, do you know who you are?" The doctor asked again. Although, he had no confidence in the answer to the question whether luoxiwei could think of herself.

Luo Xiwei still shook his head blankly: "I don't know who I am, I really don't know. I just want to think about these problems, and my head hurts like a tear. Can you tell me who I am? "

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