"Well..." "You and I..." said Roche, halting What is the relationship? "

"In fact I'm your boyfriend Luo Kai said without thinking.

"Boyfriends?" Luo Xiwei looked at Luo Kai carefully. He was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. His face was long and his beard was long. He wore a black cap on his head, which, to put it mildly, was full of artistic and artistic flavor. To put it worse, it was a kind of gangster. Luo Xiwei really can't imagine that such a man who looks a little sloppy is actually his own boyfriend? What did she like so much that she chose such a clean boyfriend?

However, looking at Luo Kai's sincere eyes, coupled with his anxious appearance during the head examination just now, luoxiwei had to believe that he was really her boyfriend.

However, take another look at rokai's appearance Luo Xiwei really wanted to see more and more. But when she thought about it, she could not judge a person by her appearance? What's more, she saw with her own eyes that he was worried about his illness, which was not a fake.

However, for Luo Kai, Luo Xiwei did not have the family feeling of Park Min Ho, no sense of intimacy, or even good feeling

Can be such a man, he said he was his boyfriend! It's hard for Luo Xiwei to accept

"Why don't you believe me?" Luo Kai sees Luo Xiwei the expression on the face some displeasure, then asks a way.

"No "It's just I don't have any impression of my boyfriend in my mind. I'm... "

"All right. If you don't believe me, I'll show you this As he said, he took out a picture of him holding Luo Xiwei in his cell phone. "And you see, this is the picture we took together."

"I believe it. I believe it Luo Xiwei said, "just, you should give me more time. I can't accept everything at present. Can you give me some time?" Looking at the photo in Luo Kai's hand, Luo Kai is holding her shoulder happily, and she is smiling so brightly on one side. Luo Xiwei doesn't believe that she will willingly be held by a man who is not her boyfriend. Finally, she begins to believe that the man who is not so handsome in front of her is her boyfriend.

"Of course." But your brother doesn't like me very much. He thinks I'm a director, so he doesn't look like a good guy. I came to see you secretly this time. You should not say "boyfriend" in front of him. I'm afraid he will get angry with you. "

"Well." Luo Xiwei nodded and wrote down Luo Kai's words in her heart. She recalled rokay's words, "are you a director?"

"Well." Luo Kai said, "we are shooting a TV series, you are on TV, you compiled it, the first episode has been broadcast, the response is very good. But the TV series only shot three episodes. The makeup room of the crew suddenly collapsed because of some problems, and you were sent to the hospital. But - the second episode tonight, the third tomorrow, the day after tomorrow The day after tomorrow, there will be no good play to play. As a director, I was negligent. As your boyfriend, I didn't protect you and hurt you. If the TV series can't be filmed, it will cost the crew hundreds of millions of dollars. "

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