"Brother." Luo Xi Wei An comforted way, "you don't worry, I will try to think of the past things."

"Well." Park Min Ho nodded, "brother, I believe you will." He believed that one day, she would remember that he was her boyfriend, not her brother.

"Even if we can't remember, we will always strive to be happy." Said Luo Xiwei with great confidence.

Maybe in Luo Xiwei's opinion, it is a consolation to park Min Ho, but in park Min Ho's opinion, such a sentence is tantamount to making him never turn over. If he had been Luo Xiwei's brother all his life, he might have been able to take care of her all his life. But park Min Ho is also a normal person. What he hopes to have is not only to take care of her like his brother, but also to be her man. Only he can protect her all his life.

"What's wrong with you, brother?" Luo Xiwei saw that park Min Ho was lost in thought, and opened the pattern of small cotton padded jacket. "You don't seem to be very happy," she said

"No. I'm just worried about your memory... " Said Park Min Ho.

"Brother, why don't you tell me about our parents and our childhood? Maybe I can think of something like that? " Luo Xiwei wants to distract Park minhao's attention. He looks too pessimistic. Luo Xiwei hopes that he can come out of this pessimism.

However, Luo Xiwei said that, I am afraid Park Min Ho will be more pessimistic, because their parents, and their childhood things, are absolutely not. Park Min Ho's parents were all by themselves. When Luo Xiwei was a child, park Min Ho had no predestined involvement. Therefore, of course, he couldn't say anything, unless he had to make up again

I'm so tired. Park Min Ho felt for the first time that lying was such a tiring thing. He is always aboveboard, so he never lies. He naturally despised all those who would lie. But now, he wants to fall into this kind of lying situation, let oneself become the kind of person that he once hated!

Park Min Ho finally began to understand the definition of "lying". If sometimes lying is to do a good thing, then it is not worth to despise. What's more, those who lie are tired enough. If they are despised by others, are those who lie more sad?

Park Min Ho knew that he was unable to answer Luo Xiwei's question. He seemed a little embarrassed. Isn't it very difficult to make up so many things about his parents and his childhood with Luo Xiwei? If you really have that ability, you might as well be a screenwriter directly.

Suddenly, Luo Xiwei's eyes glanced to the album on the counter. She picked it up in surprise, hoping to recall the memory in her mind.

On the first page, a young baby girl lies in the arms of a woman. The baby's eyes are very big and she looks bright. She grins and seems to be full of curiosity about this ignorant world. The woman holding the baby girl is very beautiful. She has beautiful long hair and her eyes are pure. She is a rare beauty.

Luo Xiwei excitedly called out: "brother! Come and see! Who are these two people? Is it me and mom? "

Park Min Ho looked at the picture Luo Xiwei was referring to. It was a picture of his mother holding his sister, who was only a few months old when she was born. Seeing Luo Xiwei so excited, park minhao had to agree: "yes. This is you and mom. "

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