Park Min Ho quickly returned to the kitchen. He took a few eggs out of the refrigerator and a few scallions from the change basin. With the sound of Zizi in the oil pan, park Min Ho was busy.

Luo Xiwei repeatedly exclaimed at Park Min Ho's technique: "brother, your cooking is really amazing!" She raised her thumb in admiration as she spoke.

Park Min Ho was very proud to smile: "of course!" However, looking at Luo Xiwei's lively and healthy appearance, he couldn't help but tease her deliberately as usual, "however, you say it's amazing. The problem is, in your memory, it seems that you haven't seen other people cooking in the kitchen?"

What Park Min Ho said was really reasonable. In Luo Xiwei's memory, no one really cooked for her, and she had never seen the scene of others cooking. But I don't know why, after listening to park Min Ho's words, Luo Xiwei felt so funny that she suddenly burst into a laugh. All the apples that had just been chewed out of her mouth were immediately sprayed out into the pot where Park Min Ho was showing her cooking skills.

In an instant, the fried egg that was just ready to be baked in the pan hissed. Park Min Ho, who was just about to sprinkle onions on the fried egg, found that his great work was suddenly destroyed. He looked at Luo Xiwei with a smile, and then squatted down on the ground. There was still a crumbling apple residue on her mouth. However, this residue is in the corner of her mouth. In park Min Ho's opinion, the residue is not so ugly, but it can show her lovely in the corner of her mouth.

Park Min Ho was infected by such a Luo Xiwei. He could not help but grab the residue at the corner of her mouth and could not help putting it into his mouth and eating it.

Although the taste of this residue is very shallow, but for park Min Ho, it is directly sweet to the heart.

Luo Xiwei saw that park Min Ho was so moved that she stood up. This is how to love her brother, even the corner of her mouth apple residue, he can help her eat? And he can eat so much? Luo Xiwei suddenly stood up: "brother, what are you doing? There are a lot of apples there She pointed to the big apples on the table.

Park Min Ho happily smile: "brother used to, since childhood love to eat you to eat the rest, the taste is particularly good." With that, he licked his lips. "The apple on the corner of your mouth is the most delicious apple in the world."

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Luo Xiwei pouts out her small mouth with a little blame in her voice. However, in a flash, Luo Xiwei's mood suddenly brightened up again, "but you look really lovely like this." With that, Luo Xiwei jumped up to park minhao, held him in his arms and rubbed like a coquettish kitten in his arms.

Each other is enjoying the beauty. However, at the moment, Luo Xiwei regards Park Min Ho as her brother and enjoys the love he brings to herself. But park Min Ho, clearly aware that this is a sister like dependence, but still can not help imagining it as another kind of love.

"You destroyed my fried eggs, you said, what to do?" Park Min Ho's eyes just glanced at the fried eggs destroyed by apple pomace in the pan, so he said to Luo Xiwei, "do you think I should punish you well?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!