"Thank you, brother." Luoxiwei sat happily at the table and began to eat. Park Min Ho's speed was always just right. Not long after luoxiwei had finished eating the apple, the fried eggs came out of the oven. And in the fried eggs to eat a mouthful, the milk came up. The Hami melon salad was on the way out of the fried eggs.

"You're welcome." Park Min Ho said, while Luo Xiwei said, "you are good to eat, I go out for a while, and I will be back soon."

"About how long?" When Luo Xiwei asked this, she found that she had become inseparable from Park Min Ho. She especially hoped that she could stay with Park Min Ho all the time, and did not want to leave him for a moment.

"Soon." Park Min Ho said, "ten minutes." Originally, park Min Ho wanted to speak for half an hour, but he looked at Luo Xiwei's eager eyes and knew that she needed herself and could not do without herself. As a result, park Min Ho also became impatient. He had to make a plan to run all the way down the stairs, and then do what he wanted to do as quickly as possible, and then run up again. For the sake of luoxiwei, he was willing to make all the impossible possible possible and leave all the best things in the world to her.

"Well." It's only ten minutes. She was tolerable, she thought. The ten minute parting may soon be over. She waved goodbye to park Min Ho with a small hand. She had already taken the TV remote control in her hand. She wanted to use the TV set in front of her to kill the short ten minutes, which may not be really short for her.

Luo Xiwei turns on the TV and it is Luo Kai who appears in front of her. He is being interviewed by reporters.

"Director Luo, I've heard that there are only three complete episodes of" provoking the male gods by mistake ". At present, because of the collapse of the dressing room of the crew, female No. 1 is disfigured. At present, she is unable to participate in the shooting because of the treatment. Is this true?" A female reporter asked Luo Kai that although she had made up, her makeup did not play a role in turning corruption into magic.

Luo Kai's expression on his face was somewhat embarrassed. However, he was not asked about the professional quality of the director. He immediately straightened out his attitude, straightened out his emotions and said, "the dressing room collapse is true. However, I don't know where the legend of female No.1 disfigurement came from. At least, I don't know the director's disfigurement. As for the TV series "offending God by mistake", please rest assured that it will be broadcast on time. Please wait patiently. "Provoking the gods by mistake" is so popular that we will not be disappointed. "

"Rodeo, what do you mean is that female No. 1 has been in the crew and has not been injured, has she?" Asked a reporter with a pretty face.

"Thank you so much for your concern. On behalf of her, I would like to thank you all. What I want to tell you is that female No.1 is very healthy now and can participate in the shooting at any time. Please rest assured. " Luo Kai said that he bowed to everyone and said very solemnly, "thank you again. I thank you for female number one."

The picture suddenly switches to another scene. Luo Xiwei sighs heavily. She feels that she has implicated Luo Kai. She also feels that she should not have done so to him. She feels that she is really sorry for him. She is very embarrassed.

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