In the afternoon, park Min Ho took Luo Xiwei out. Luo Xiwei has no impression of the city at all, so she can only let Park Min Ho take her around.

"Vivie." Park Min Ho asked, "where do you want to go?"

"I don't know." Luo Xiwei replied, "I have no impression of this city at all. I don't know where there is or what is interesting Why don't you take me to the troupe

"This..." Park Min Ho some hesitation, "Wei Wei, in your heart, or can't put it down, right?"

Luo Xiwei thinks that park minhao said "it" is "he" - Director Luo Kai.

"No!" Luoxiwei was so frightened that she did not dare to mention it again. She was not happy with the look on Park Min Ho's face, which seemed to fully verify what Luo Kai had said to her - Park Min Ho didn't like her being with Luo Kai, so he became so nervous. She secretly went to observe Park Min Ho and found that his face was full of worry.

However, what Luo Xiwei doesn't know is that park Min Ho is only worried about Luo Xiwei's personal safety, while Luo Xiwei thinks that park minhao is worried about the relationship between her and Luo Kai. In order to let Park Min Ho rest assured, Luo Xiwei had to say, "in fact, I don't really want to go back, really. And now I have lost my memory. I may not know anyone in the crew, let alone how to get along with the crew. It's tiring to get to know them again. "

"Vivie." Park Min Ho said, "brother, I just hope that your injury will be better soon. In this way, whether you are going to film or do other things, I will be more relieved." Now Park Min Ho has been able to put the word "elder brother" on his lips at any time, which shows that he has long been used to this identity, and has been perfectly integrated into the role.

"I know it all, brother." "You're all for my good," said rothiway Luo Xiwei really thinks too much. She thought that what Park Min Ho had just said was just to let her stay at his side to calm down. She thought that this was a lie he told to stop her meeting with Luo Kai temporarily and prevent her from contacting with Luo Kai. She thought that park Min Ho said so to placate her mood. She thought that park Min Ho's brother, just like Luo Kai said, did not agree with her association with Luo Kai.

This is the deadliest place for luoxiwei - thinking too much. It seems that park Min Ho won't give her a chance to see Luo Kai, Luo Xiwei thought. She did not dare to mention Luo Kai in front of Park Min Ho. Originally, she wanted to ask Park Minho something, but she was defeated by park Min Ho's concern for her. Park Minwei really worried about her because she didn't care about her.

However, Luo Kai is her boyfriend, and luoxiwei can't let him be wronged. One is a brother and the other is a boyfriend. Luo Xiwei doesn't want any of them to be hurt because of herself.

Well, in this case, Luo Xiwei can only hurt herself She is always a person who would rather hurt herself than hurt anyone else. This is her fatal wound.

However, Luo Xiwei still had nothing to do. Although she wanted to escape and look for opportunities to see rokay, opportunities were always so hard to find and more difficult to create. She broke her head and couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds until an old man appeared in front of them , the fastest update of the webnovel!