"Thank you, Cymbidium." Park said.

Huilan's heart is happy, at least, park Zhentian actually for the first time know how to start talking with her in a somewhat consultative tone, instead of announcing to her the decision he had already made. This makes Shen Huilan's heart warm. However, she did not know what made Park Zhentian suddenly have such a big change. Is it because of this dry daughter?

"Let sister Huang take her dry daughter to her room for a rest." Shen Huilan said, "Zhentian, you see, how about we give the room that Li Meiluo lived in before to the dry daughter? If this room has been occupied, there won't be too much dust, and dust is not good for people's health

"Well, then everything is up to you." Park said. He was very relieved to give Luo Xiwei to Shen Huilan. "By the way, I forgot to introduce her. This is my wife, Shen Huilan. She is a very cultured woman, she is a very important woman to me, everything in the family depends on her. If not for her, maybe there would be no my today I may have said a little too much. Anyway, daughter, don't be afraid. This is your home

"Well." Luo Xi Wei nodded, "thank you godfather, thank you godmother."

Shen Huilan is very happy today. This is a special day. In addition to learning something to discuss with her, park also learned to praise her in front of others, acknowledge her contribution to the family and praise her for her contributions. Even if his ultimate goal is to make the daughter not to be afraid and live at ease, at least Shen Huilan understands that Pu Zhentian's heart is to acknowledge the wife's contribution to him and his family. In this way, so many years of dedication to the family is worth it.

Because she was very happy, and just because she had nothing to do, Shen Huilan personally took Luo Xiwei upstairs and led her into the room where Li Meiluo once lived.

Since Park Min Ho had a big fight with PU Zhentian a few days ago, park Zhentian was angry and told Park Min Ho that if he had to go to see Luo Xiwei, he would cut off the relationship between father and son, and park Min Ho really never returned and lost his whereabouts. After that, Li Meiluo moved out of this room. But because Pu Zhentian likes Li Meiluo, Shen Huilan orders her servants to clean Li Meiluo's room every day, even if she doesn't know if Li Meiluo will come back to live. She was afraid of Park Zhentian's authority, so she did not dare to slack off. I just didn't expect that after cleaning the house for so many days, although it eventually came into use, it was totally unexpected to her. She did not think that one day there would be an outsider in this house, let alone a second one. Although - it's family.

"This is your room, my child." Shen Huilan said to Luo Xiwei, "if you have anything you need, just tell me. I will send someone to help you clean the house and help you go shopping. Or you can talk to sister Huang directly. She has ten very diligent and capable people. I believe she can take good care of you. Of course, I'm your godmother, and I'll take care of you. And your godfather, we will take good care of you, so you can stay here at ease

Thank you, godmother Luo Xiwei is very embarrassed to say to Shen Huilan, "give you trouble."

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