"You..." Cheng Xuehui feels more and more that she has been seen very thoroughly by park minhao. He seems to be able to read her mind and see her inner conspiracy clearly. She gave Park Minho a blank look, "even if what you said is right, so what?"

"I guessed it again." Park Min Ho laughs, while carefully looking at Cheng Xuehui, while turning around Cheng Xuehui.

"You What are you doing? " Cheng Xuehui scared back a few steps, "even if you want to rob the color, you don't need to look at me with this kind of eyes? What kind of woman have you never met, President Park? What kind of woman have you never tasted? Do you need to look at me like this

Park Min Ho looks at Cheng Xuehui is true, but he is false. In Pu minhao's opinion, although Cheng Xuehui has a harmful heart, her emotional quotient and intelligence quotient are nothing compared with her beauty. Such a good-looking person, but EQ and IQ have fallen to the bottom, this is a waste of such a good-looking face!

"Cheng Xuehui." Park Min Ho kept his eyes on Cheng Xuehui and said, "the purpose of your coming here today is not to investigate Luo Kai, is it?"

"Investigation?" Cheng Xuehui sneered, "President Park, you think your IQ is beyond ordinary people, right? You overestimate yourself Cheng Xuehui, who was guessed by park minhao, is not convinced. She wants to let Park minhao deviate from her thinking. How can she be seen as such a famous female star?

No way! Absolutely not! Cheng Xuehui bit his teeth and vowed to let Park minhao realize that his idea is not entirely correct, even if he guessed her idea completely. Cheng Xuehui's heart is not willing to burst out again. She is definitely not such a fuel-efficient lamp. She just wants to make some right and wrong, otherwise her life should be so much less fun!

"Oh?" Park Min Ho said with a ready smile, "well, as Luo Kai's girlfriend, if you don't want to investigate his private life, what are you doing here? I bet that even if you don't love rokay, as a woman, especially a beautiful and mean woman like you, you will never allow your boyfriend to have an affair. As a director, Luo Kai has many opportunities to hunt. Don't say it's going out hunting. I'm afraid there are a lot of game that I send in. So, you just want to catch the evidence of her crime. In this way, even if you don't make Luo Kai in a mess, I'm afraid he will at least take into account your feelings. He won't say those messy words to the media, and won't say any more about what you are, such heartless and senseless words. You know, even if you are really a broken shoe, at least it is the shoes he has worn. As a man, how can you say that he has worn shoes? This is not to hit their own face, confirm their own taste problem? Oh, I'm sorry. My topic seems to be off track. What we're talking about now is what you want to do in rokey's room. "

"Hum." Cheng Xuehui's mouth hummed to. It turned out that park Min Ho did not completely see through her mind. In this case, it's better to tell Park minhao the real purpose of coming to Luo Kai's room. Anyway, his guess is wrong. Then Cheng Xuehui feels that he has actually won over park minhao. At the moment, even if it is to tell Park minhao the real purpose, Cheng Xuehui will also feel that these are not important at all.

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