"You?" Cheng Xuehui cast a contemptuous glance at Park Min Ho, "I hope it is done by you. At least it shows that you are more or less concerned about me. How could you, a man who has no interest in me, do something that is boring to you? If you have this time, I think you'd rather take care of your work, or play with Luo Xiwei, or even watch Luo Xiwei film quietly. You don't care about me Cheng Xuehui's tone even complained a little. In her heart, park minhao's image is more and more magnificent, but she knows that she will never get such an excellent man. Under helpless, she just had some small complaints to park minhao.

"You really know me better and better." Park Min Ho said, "but you are right. At that time, I had no interest in you. I would rather stand in my own room in a daze, and I would not like to see you."

"Then you?" Cheng Xuehui sneered, "I'm afraid you are still like this now?"

"Well, let's not talk about it." Park Min Ho reminded, "don't you want zarokee? You can't patronize and chat with me. Please see if you can find any clues here. "

"Yes." Cheng Xuehui suddenly became active as a naive girl. "Originally, I was going to seduce Luo Kai, and then put some words out of his mouth. When he fell asleep in the middle of the night, he would look for some clues. But in fact, we can now find out if there is any clue. "

"Look for it. I'll help you look downstairs through the window, and I'll remind you right away if roquet comes back Park Min Ho said as he opened the curtain a small corner, and then quietly looked out the window at the entrance of the hotel.

Cheng Xuehui carefully turned everything in the room, a rustle, and then put the objects far away, it seems that there is nothing suspicious.

At this time, park Min Ho's eyes slightly glanced, but found a row of small words behind the curtain.

Those words simply touched Park Min Ho's nerves. He could feel the strong desire in Luo Kai's heart. How he hoped it was just a dream.

However, a few words were written on the curtain with a pen: "luoxiwei, I love you."

Park Min Ho carefully opened the curtains and found a few printed photos of Luo Xiwei lying flat on the windowsill.

"It's terrible!" Said Park Min Ho.

"What?" Cheng Xuehui quickly stops looking. She jumps to park Min Ho's side, but finds everything Park Min Ho has just found. She couldn't help saying these words from her mouth. "What a pervert." Cheng Xuehui did not expect that the man she met was a man eating a bowl and looking at the pot. Her luck has been carried to the utmost! It seems that she will never escape the fate of being abandoned!

However, after calming down for a moment, Cheng Xuehui suddenly asked Park minhao, "why? Why is there such a word on roquet's curtains? This must have been written by rokai! Did rocai and rothiway have an affair

"No way! I know Weiwei's character very well. She is as pure and pure as a lotus flower. At most, Luo Kai loves Luo Xiwei secretly. Luo Xiwei doesn't like Luo Kai at all! " Park Min Ho said angrily.

He firmly believes that luoxiwei will always be the best.

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