"Yes, since you have decided to be together, I want to know when you are going to get married? You're old enough. You're in your thirties. If you have a girlfriend, you'd better start a family earlier. For a man, if you have a family, you can start a career. If you get married soon, I can put my mind down as soon as possible. " Park said.

Standing on the side of Park Min Ho has long seen that it is just his father's "conspiracy". He knew his father too well. No matter what his father had done that was too wrong, he would not let his son do something too wrong! As long as he can not let his son go astray as he thinks, he will do both hard and soft until his goal is achieved.

"Dad, this Marriage Is it a little too early? " Park Zhihao was in a mess. Although he swore that he wanted to be with Cheng Xuehui, he could even say from his mouth that he wanted to marry Cheng Xuehui. However, when the words came out of his father's mouth, he was still shocked. He has never been prepared like that, not ready to get married, and never really want to marry Cheng Xuehui! In his eyes, Cheng Xuehui, like most of his girlfriends, is just a temporary girlfriend. He has never thought about the future of two people!

Or, the future of him and Cheng Xuehui is to maintain a good relationship between men and women in these short months, and then find some wonderful reasons to break up. Whether it is a serious illness, or the family does not agree, or other messy or even said that no one believes the reason, or simply ignore them, or deliberately keep close relationship with other women. As long as a woman, can't stand such torture, even if he did not take the initiative to break up, they will be unbearable for his behavior and leave.

This is the place that makes Park Zhihao curious, and also the place where Park Zhihao can be like a fish in water in his so-called emotional life. Every time he used this kind of low-level trick, even some lies that park Zhihao couldn't believe himself were regarded as holy orders by his girlfriends. Even some ex girlfriends always thought that they had done something wrong to cause him to break up.

They always think too much, and he is just tired of eating the same dish every day, which makes him feel boring.

Unfortunately, few of park's girlfriends understand this truth, and no woman can thoroughly grasp his heart, except his sister Li Meiluo, who grew up with him. He once really liked Li Meiluo, so he finally found the opportunity to pursue her fiercely in the year when the college entrance examination ended.

Unfortunately, Meiluo told him that she had a lover in her heart, that boy, who was her classmate, and that they had already confirmed their relationship with their boyfriend and girlfriend a few days ago.

Despite his disappointment, Pu Zhihao still did not give up and decided to swallow such a bitter rejection. He chose to pretend that nothing had happened, and he was still Meiluo's good brother. He waited quietly for her to break up with her little boy friend. Because he knew that boys the same age as Meiluo couldn't really take care of Meiluo, who was willful.

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