Why? Why is it Park Min Ho, not him, who brought Meiluo's heart back to life? Park Zhihao felt that all this was unfair. Why was it that he was the one who accompanied her when she was lovelorn, the one who took care of her and comforted her, and the one who took her to play and travel around the world, but she finally felt that it was Park minhao who took her out of the pain of lovelorn?

"Do you really like him that much?" Park Zhihao was not reconciled. He hoped to be confirmed by Li Meiluo many times. It seems that only in this way can Pu Zhihao let go completely.

"Yes." "Brother, I know that some things may hurt you and look cruel. But I think that if I have not told you, hide from you, so that you have some misunderstanding of me, delayed you, that is the greatest cruelty to you. Brother, long pain is better than short pain. You should not put your mind on me. Since entering the company for a month, I deal with Park Minho almost every day. At the beginning, maybe only a little light like, only he in my mind that riding a motorcycle handsome image. But after a month of contact, I found that I became more and more like him. He seemed to occupy a very important position in my heart. I seemed to love him more than my first love boyfriend. Brother, if you really want me to be happy, aren't you and him good brothers? Will you help me and help me to get to him Li Meiluo seized Park Zhihao's arm excitedly, and his speech became more and more emotional, and the content of his speech became more and more ridiculous.

"Not good!" Park Zhihao's hand shook off fiercely and left angrily. In park Zhihao's memory, he never was so rude to Meiluo. But this time, he was so angry that he couldn't help feeling sad and listening to Li Meiluo. He not only gave up her, but also pushed her to Pu minhao's side.

It is a cruel thing for him to give up Meiluo. How can he deliver her to other men? No, absolutely not! That would make him more miserable!

That night, park Zhihao left the sad city by car all night, and then in that new city, he found the best hotel and stayed in the best hotel. He was so drunk all night that he didn't know why he woke up with a woman beside him. That woman is also clever. As long as park Zhihao doesn't talk to her, she won't affect him. When Park Zhihao asked her what, she answered honestly, neither shy nor pretentious.

The woman accompanied him for three days and nights. When he was tired of it, she waved her sleeve and left without nostalgia.

All of a sudden, park Zhihao felt that it was all right. So he stayed in the hotel for several months, went to the bar every day to get drunk, then brought back different women every night, and then went to different places with them the next morning.

All of a sudden, he felt relaxed, and finally he could get rid of the pressure of reality and begin to live a life of luxury and irresponsibility.

It took about half a year before Park Zhihao left the hotel, leaving the dross like life that seemed comfortable and comfortable but actually made him decadent for a long time. Finally, he gradually put himself into normal work and life under the persuasion of his friends.

However, in Pu Zhihao's heart, he is no longer Park Min Ho's brother, park Min Ho is no longer his friend.

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