"Just beautiful?" As soon as Cheng Xuehui's words were said, she sighed softly. Although the voice and strength are very small, but the keen Park Zhihao observed.

"What? Are you not happy? " Park asked suspiciously, "I'm telling you the truth. You are really beautiful. Your beauty is almost the best in the entertainment industry. If you want to be pure, you can be charming if you want to be charming. Your body is hot and sexy. In my eyes, no one is more beautiful than you. I swear. "

Cheng Xuehui smile: "I believe, I believe you are telling the truth." Cheng Xuehui has never questioned her beauty. In the whole circle, almost everyone thinks Cheng Xuehui is a beautiful woman. However, only she, a beautiful woman, knows the trouble of beauty. Beauty is a good thing, but it is risky. Beauty means that sometimes she will be coveted by some people with bad intentions, which will force her to do something unwillingly. In this way, beauty will bring her some unexpected troubles. It is also because she is too beautiful, so it will lead to many pursuers and dazzle her, but she can't see who is sincere.

Therefore, she had such a tragic experience again and again. At least, Cheng Xuehui is that way, because it is too beautiful to cause others to her are not sincere.

"Then why do you look unhappy?" Park Zhihao was not a woman. He did not understand the pain of women, let alone the pain of beautiful women. What Cheng Xuehui is worried about, park Zhihao is afraid that he will never be able to put himself in his own place to consider, "although sometimes, there are always actresses who say to me that what they want me to like is not their appearance, but their talent. But I found that when I praise a woman's talent, not every woman will be happy. Even if some girls are really talented, they will like me to praise them more. If I only praise them for their talent, some of them will even suspect that I am criticizing the mulberry and calling them ugly. However, whenever I praise other people's beauty, even the ugliest girl, will be very happy. So, I thought you would be happy if I praised you for your beauty. But I want to make it clear that I really think you are beautiful. And you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met. That's what I mean

"But." Cheng Xuehui suddenly became depressed, "but I really don't care how others praise my appearance, because I also know that I'm very beautiful, otherwise from small to big, there won't be so many boys chasing me. But, Zhihao, do you know? I don't want every boy to like me because he likes my appearance. I hope they like me... " When talking about it, Cheng Xuehui suddenly finds that she can't say it anymore.

"What do you want me to like about you?" Asked Park Chi ho.

However, if this is the case in the past, Cheng Xuehui can still expect others to like her for her good grades, her kindness, her purity, or even her willingness to help others However, after experiencing so many hardships in life, Cheng Xuehui found that the essence that she had originally had disappeared. When she first fell in love, she lost her academic record and her purity. After suffering a lot of hurt, she also slowly lost her kindness and helpfulness Even now, they have begun to learn how to treat others with stratagem

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