"Huihui." Park Zhihao tightly held Cheng Xuehui in his arms, "shall we not think about these problems for the time being? These things are too far away for us. We have just started to communicate for a few months. Don't talk about marriage so early. We should enjoy our love well. Huihui, you are still young now, you should also enjoy my love for you, instead of being bound by outdated ideas too early. Shouldn't we fall in love and enjoy life when we are young? And I don't want my woman to be a yellow faced woman too early. Hui Hui, shall we go back first

"But..." Cheng Xuehui murmurs a little mouth, seems to have some unwilling.

"Huihui, I promise you, within one year, I will give you an answer." Park Zhihao once again vowed.

Cheng Xuehui looks at Park Zhihao's eyes in disbelief. However, once again, he seriously looked at his handsome face and thought carefully, and finally decided not to mention it again. What's more, park Zhihao's words are not wrong. Enjoying love is what she always wanted to do. Originally, she wanted Park Zhihao to introduce her to his family instead of marrying him immediately. So, now that her purpose has been achieved, what is left unsatisfied? Indeed, she can't be led by the thoughts of the older generation. She can't be trapped by them. She has already made up her mind to be a free and easy person in her feelings. No matter how much she loves and appreciates each other, she can't get too deep, so as not to hurt herself again and again.

"Well. "Finally, Cheng Xuehui is soft. In this way, she followed Park Zhihao silently, and then got on the car with him. She has always heard that Park Ji Ho's younger brother, park Min Ho, has a strange habit of cleanliness, that is, he doesn't like the co driver of his car with a woman. Not even women! Originally, Cheng Xuehui was shocked by such a statement. However, she had been in the co driver's seat so many times that he never seemed to show any unhappiness. She fastened her seat belt very seriously, looked at Park Chi Ho and asked, "Zhi Ho, may I ask you a question?"

"What's the problem?" Said Park Chi ho. He seems a little unhappy, seems to feel that Cheng Xuehui still does not give up on the question just now, there is a posture that wants to break through the casserole to ask the end.

"I just want to ask." Cheng Xuehui stopped. "I once heard that your brother Park Min Ho has a special quirk. He won't let any woman sit in his co pilot's position. Is this true?"

"What?" Park Zhihao did not expect that after just discussing the topic of marriage, Cheng Xuehui could suddenly turn the topic to park minhao. As a man who is not as attractive to the opposite sex as park Min Ho, park's mood is undoubtedly depressed. What's more, it's not other people who ask him this question, but his girlfriend!

Why even his girlfriend is so interested in park Min Ho? Park Zhihao really can't understand why women are interested in park Min Ho's eccentricity. But if it was Park Ji Ho, he would never think of the boring problem of a co pilot who only sat for his own woman.

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