"I'm fine." Cheng Xuehui firmly grasped Park Zhihao's left hand, "but it really scared me. Do you have any water? I'd like to take a sip of water pressure

Park Zhihao reached out and picked up half a bottle of mineral water from his left side: "this is the only one. Only half of the mineral water I have drunk is left. If you don't mind..."

Who knows Cheng Xuehui picked up the bottle and drank it. All of a sudden, she drank all the water inside. After drinking, Cheng Xuehui said heartily: "we are already this kind of relationship, are so close, do you still care about your saliva?"

"So it is." Park Zhihao said, slowly accelerating the car forward, "how about it? Are you feeling better now? "

"Well." Cheng Xuehui nods.

"By the way, you asked me about Park Min Ho just now..." After a few minutes of thinking and calming down, Pu Zhihao's mood finally stabilized, and finally decided not to be destroyed by park minhao, who was proposed by Cheng Xuehui. He decided to seriously answer Cheng Xuehui's question, "he really doesn't like people riding in his car. No matter whether it's a man or a woman, they can't sit in the passenger seat of his car, except..."

"But who else?" Cheng Xuehui's eyes widened and asked.

"Except luoxiwei." Park Zhihao replied, "you know, if it wasn't because Park Min Ho liked Luo Xiwei, how could he have won the role of female No. 1 in" mistaking male gods "only by virtue of Luo Xiwei's own strength? Whether it is appearance, acting, or fame and strength, she may not be the best female first choice. Besides, she has no money, so with her own strength, she can't get the number one girl. And park Min Ho's character, I know he never put so much thought on a woman. But this time, he was so kind to Luo Xiwei that he even gave her the co driver's seat in his car. Everyone knows what this means

"So it's true." "This is the position of your grandmother, Xiaowei

"In park Minho's opinion, so it is." Park Zhihao said meaningfully.

"What do you think of Park Min Ho?" Cheng Xuehui tasted the words of Park Zhihao carefully, "as far as I know, as long as it is what Park minhao believes, he will not change it easily. Therefore, in park Min Ho's view, that is to say, this is basically a foregone conclusion. "

"No!" Park Zhihao blurted out, his voice was loud and impatient. Cheng Xuehui was shocked by his impatience.

Do you need such a big response? Cheng Xuehui feels that all this is really sudden, as if Park Zhihao is very concerned about the position of the second young grandmother of the park family. She looked up and down at Park Zhihao, and suddenly felt a lingering fear.

"Zhihao, you..." Cheng Xuehui is eager to speak but stops. She seems to see through something.

Park Zhihao's heart is full of galloping horses. Cheng Xuehui's words just now made him feel very uncomfortable. Now it seems that park Min Ho has identified Luo Xiwei, and his father, Pu Zhentian, seems not to object to the matter between him and Luo Xiwei. Then, if Luo Xiwei agrees, it seems that park Zhihao has lost the chance to turn Luo Xiwei into a granny of the park family.

Park hoped that Luo Xiwei would become the eldest and youngest grandmother of the park family in the future, of course, when the park family admitted that he was the eldest son of the park family.

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