Park Zhihao's hand became stiff in an instant. He wanted to take the key from the man opposite, but for Cheng Xuehui's holding on to his hand, park Zhihao felt powerless. Can't he just throw Cheng Xuehui down?

Although Park Zhihao had such funny scenes in his mind, as a gentleman, he certainly would not.

"Huihui, can you come down first? My car key is in the hand of the gentleman opposite. I have to get it Park Zhihao said almost in a spoiled tone.

"No! No, no, no Cheng Xuehui's head is buried deeper in park Zhihao's arms. She stubbornly insists on being in park Zhihao's arms and letting him hold her, "unless you admit that you can't do it, you can't hold me."

But where is park Zhihao a man who dares to say he can't? Even though he knows that this is Cheng Xuehui's strong method, he still doesn't want to admit his incompetence. What's more, he just wanted to get the key, not really unable to hold her. How can a man, in front of a woman, put on an appearance of powerlessness? Even if I can't, park Zhihao will try his best to hold her as long as he can. What's more, he is still in high spirits at the moment. Cheng Xuehui is such a heavy weight that park Zhihao doesn't have any difficulty holding her.

"Of course I can!" Park Zhihao squatted down, and then tried hard to hold Cheng Xuehui higher, so that he could hold Cheng Xuehui for a long time without too much effort.

However, Cheng Xuehui shrinks her head to park Zhihao's arms, and finally the whole person sinks to the position just now.

Park Zhihao felt helpless: "honey, I want to take the key now. How can I get my car key like this? Fortunately, this big brother is a good man who can't find any money. If we meet someone with a bad heart, you've been dragging me like this, I'm afraid others will have run away with our key! "

At this time, Cheng Xuehui suddenly stretched out the right hand that was pressed by his body and waved his hand wildly to the man. Then, without saying a word, she quickly spread out her hand.

"Beauty, I didn't know you What do you mean by waving your hand at me all the time... " The man pretended not to understand.

"Oh." Park Zhihao quickly saw the meaning of Cheng Xuehui, "she means, my hands are not empty, you just put the key in her hand."

"So it is! If you want to help your boyfriend get the key, you can say it directly. The girl suddenly starts to show her teeth and claws at me. It's really frightening. " The man opposite said coldly, "I thought the girl was dumb, so she didn't speak."

"I'm sorry, sir." Park Zhihao politely apologized to the man opposite. His eyes have been staring at the key in the man's hand, "this key..."

The man looked at the key in his hand and seemed to be reluctant to put the key in Cheng Xuehui's hand: "President Park, do you have any interest in investing in films? If you are interested, please feel free to contact me. " The man took out a business card from his pocket and said, "President Park, this is my business card. Please have a look. I live in room 8007 of this hotel. If President Park needs anything, he can contact me at any time , the fastest update of the webnovel!