"Your famous director Luo dingkai Park Zhihao asked very aggressively.

"I dare not. President Park, I'm just a little famous director. I have admired your name for a long time Luo Kai wanted to talk about his desire to cooperate with Park Zhihao, but he stopped all at once.

Since Park Zhihao took the initiative to call, Luo Kai thought, then he must have a certain intention to cooperate with the film. Therefore, Luo Kai is not willing to say more, so as not to expose his desire for cooperation too deeply, but to the contrary.

It is because the expectation is too deep, so Luo Kai should try his best to restrain himself and not to expose his strong desire too early. As for the way that park Zhihao just saw holding his ex girlfriend Cheng Xuehui, although Luo Kai was a little uncomfortable, it was just that he pretended not to know him and felt unhappy, but it had nothing to do with Park Zhihao.

The woman, the woman who was obviously dusty but still pretended to be very pure, had been tired of Luo Kai for a long time. He tried his best to escape from her side, unexpectedly did not expect to meet her here.

However, Luo Kai has seen so many women. He doesn't care about women at all and never cares about them. He won't let his thoughts and emotions fluctuate because of women.

"Director Luo." Park Zhihao stopped and smoothed his thoughts. In this very short period of time, he thought a lot, so that in the end, all he wanted to say was still put on his mouth, and he never said it.

Cheng Xuehui looks at Park Zhihao nervously. She thinks that this time, park Zhihao will definitely ask Luo Kai something about the cooperative film. She stares at Park Zhihao with great vigilance. At the moment, she can't wait to run to park Zhihao immediately, drag his mobile phone from his hand, and even throw his mobile phone out of the window, so that he has no chance to contact Luo Kai.

However, all this is Cheng Xuehui's wishful thinking. No matter how seriously she is imagining this matter in her mind, it can not change the fact that park Zhihao is seriously talking with Luo Kai. Moreover, Cheng Xuehui dressed like this, park Zhihao did not look at her carefully, so she did not dare to go close to him, let alone go to his side to throw away his mobile phone.

She is not the person that park Zhihao wants to protect, Cheng Xuehui knows very clearly. The scene she had just imagined might have happened only between Park Min Ho and lo HSI Wei. If Cheng Xuehui does something like that to park Zhihao, he will throw her out of the window at the first time.

After so many ups and downs and so many dregs, Cheng Xuehui knows that she is not so lucky in this life, and can find a person who really loves himself and puts himself in the first place.

She lives so clearly, so soft, so desolate. Cheng Xuehui suddenly felt that his body sent out a stream of sadness, which was deep enough to stab into her bone marrow, let her start from the back of the spine, all over the cold.

However, what Park Zhihao said really surprised Cheng Xuehui! He unexpectedly so absurdly asked Luo Kai such a question, let Cheng Xuehui be surprised!

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