Park Min Ho still did not resist to put vegetables in Luo Xiwei's bowl. As long as he saw Luo Xiwei's thin appearance, park minhao could not bear to watch her eat a little.

Although Luo Xiwei can't eat any more, park Min Ho just likes to watch Luo Xiwei eat. It's so cute. If Park Min Ho and Luo Xiwei were both in a sealed room for a few days and nights with only a little food, park Min Ho thought, he would certainly give all the food to Luo Xiwei. As long as you can see her eat, even if you are starving to death, park Min Ho will feel happy in his heart.

However, park Min Ho suddenly felt very strange, why think of these? Living in such a lucky age, how can you be locked in a secret room and have so little food? The idea of the last few days is really enough!

Park Min Ho hasn't found out that since he fell in love with Luo Xiwei, he seems to be surrounded by Luo Xiwei all day long. Everything will be dominated by Luo Xiwei, and he often ignores what he wanted to do because of Luo Xiwei. His love was so great that almost all people admired Luo Xiwei. However, park Min Ho always felt that he had not done well enough. He hoped that he could give Luo Xiwei more and satisfy some of her wishes that she wanted to achieve but had been unable to achieve.

Park Min Ho enjoyed the process of paying for Luo Xiwei in silence. Every time Luo Xiwei laughed at him, even though his environment was difficult, he felt that he had already owned the whole world. From then on, every inch of Diwei's happiness has something to do with him. He couldn't imagine how difficult his life would be without luoxiwei. He didn't even dare to think about it, because the life without luoxiwei was so terrible! Just as he couldn't find her a few days ago, he would miss her every day and worry about her safety. He didn't think about food and tea all day long. Until he saw Luo Xiwei again, park minhao suddenly became hungry.

However, the more difficult Park Min Ho was to control himself, he would expose himself to his father more deeply. Originally, Pu Zhentian thought that park minhao and her daughter had met each other, but in this way, it was not as simple as deja vu, but more like love at first sight.

However, park Min Ho has already shown himself that he has just entered the performing arts circle of his girlfriend, and even for the sake of that girl, he even cut off the relationship between father and son. Park Min Ho is so deep with love, how can he suddenly fall in love with a girl he just met? This is really incredible!

Unless, park Min Ho is really to do the girl as his sister. Park Zhentian also knows that park Min Ho has always been a sister control. Before his sister had gone abroad, she had been clinging to park Min Ho and refused to go home. Try to taste her brother min, but she is not dependent on her mother, even more like her mother. And Min Hao has been letting her sister fool around and doing things that are boring to the adults and even boring to her, but her sister thinks it's very interesting, and Min Hao is also happy with it. His fondness for his sister has reached the point of lawlessness.

Maybe it's because the maiden looks so much like Min Ho's sister? Park Zhentian couldn't help thinking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!