At this moment, Luo Xiwei wondered whether she would leave here suddenly.

As usual, park went out for a walk after breakfast. At the moment, the door of Zhenpu is leaving at any time.

If Luo Xiwei wants to leave openly, it is not impossible. However, it is not that Luo Xiwei doesn't want to leave in an open and aboveboard way, which should always give Park family and park Min Ho a proper reason.

Just, she just lost her memory and couldn't remember anything, and she didn't remember what friends she had here. But park Zhentian always likes her to stay at home and not run around. He was always afraid of what would happen to her outside and what danger she might encounter. Maybe he loves his daughter too much. He always dotes on her as if she were a thousand gold. He can't touch her. He dotes on her to the extreme.

Although Luo Xiwei likes it, she doesn't like to go out. But, out of her responsibility for rokay, she thought it necessary for her to go out. However, she really can not find any reason to go out, and the park family is not at ease let her go out alone.

If Park Min Ho asked about her, how should she answer it so that park Min Ho could not afford to doubt? Luo Xiwei will never forget that Luo Kai once told her with some trepidation that her family didn't like her association with Luo Kai. Therefore, even their love affair was carried out secretly.

This made Luo Xiwei feel perplexed.

Park Min Ho is taking a bath in the bathroom, the sound of the water has stopped. Park Min Ho's singing is still there. In the bathroom, he called out to his sister-in-law for a new towel. Since he hasn't been home for so long, his bath towel must have been sorted out.

At this time, Luo Xiwei's thoughts were running fast, and her heart was constantly tangled and suffering. Do you want to leave without saying a word and let Park Min Ho worry about himself or

But Luo Xiwei didn't seem to find a second way. If you tell Park Min Ho, how can she speak? How can she let Park Min Ho know that she just wants to see her boyfriend and that there is no danger? How can we reassure everyone about her safety?

Luo Xiwei thought, I'm afraid Park Min Ho will soon get dressed and come out of the bathroom. However, she is still entangled

At this moment, luoxiwei caught a glimpse of the Filipino maid at the door who was about to close the door of the villa. The doors on both sides closed, and she was about to pick up the lock to lock it.

Luo Xiwei is very anxious. She really regrets that she didn't take advantage of the good opportunity to sneak away just now. It seems impossible that she wants to slip away now

She really shouldn't get tangled up, thought rothwig.

However, a miracle happened. The mobile phone of the Filipino maid at the gate suddenly rang. She picked up the phone very comfortably, holding her cell phone in one hand and trying to lock the door in the other.

But she couldn't lock it.

She said something to the person on the phone in a hurry. Then she hung the lock on the door and ran in alone.

She was so busy answering her own phone that she had always been so polite that she didn't even say hello to her. She ran to the second floor in a hurry and went frantically to find sister Huang.

Under this, Luo Xiwei does not want to miss a second chance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!