"Yes, too." Jonah gave a happy smile, and his heart, which had just been suspended, finally relaxed. "I saw you go inside, but I couldn't see you, so I left here. Maybe I was gone when the dressing room collapsed. But the next day after hearing the shocking news, I was completely blinded. There are several news about your injuries on the facade. Some said that you were seriously injured during filming and were sent to the hospital. Some said that you were disfigured by black powder splashed with sulfuric acid. Some said that you were beaten into the hospital because of the contradiction between your popularity and Cheng Xuehui. Some said that the collapse of the make-up room in the studio led to the disfigurement of your face. These versions, no matter which one they are, are enough to give me the creeps. So, I immediately called you, but unfortunately, no one answered. In the next few days, I almost every other hour will call you several times, but then almost every time is turned off. I'm afraid. I don't know why. Although we have broken up, I'm still very afraid. I'm afraid you will disappear from the world. I will feel that I didn't protect you well. It's our break-up that caused you injury. I think if we don't break up, maybe you won't have a chance to film, so you'll always be intact. However, although I want to know your whereabouts so much, I dare not look for you. I am afraid that those rumors are false. When I find you, you are standing there safe and sound. In that case, I am too worried that I will appear a little hypocritical Jonet's eyes were moist, and he thought of his deep-rooted fear, and his fear of coming to the present.

"Thank you, Jonah." "I'm fine now, I'm really good," said rothiway very sincerely to jonet Luoxiwei wants to tell jonet that she is really safe now and hopes he can rest assured.

What jonet heard was that lothewie was fine now, and he didn't need to worry too much. There was nothing between them.

Jonai had no choice but to smile. Maybe it was a great tolerance and gift for Luo Xiwei to stand with him peacefully at the moment.

This set is definitely a set. All kinds of props are still in good condition in the corner of the set. Although a house looks a bit shabby, it can be seen that it is newly decorated, and even when entering, the house still exudes a strong smell of formaldehyde. There are two brand-new dressing tables in the room, and almost all the cosmetics on them are new.

"Is this your dressing room?" Said jonet to rothiway.

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei couldn't react for a moment. In her memory, there was obviously no impression of these. But in the face of jonet, she had to pretend to be very familiar with it. "Yes, this is the dressing room. Even the dressing table is new. It must have been rearranged after the collapse. I just don't know why there is no one here. "

Luo Xiwei carefully looked around and looked at the simple dressing room. She imagined the scene when she used to work here. Looking into the mirror, Luo Xiwei sees her plain faced self in the mirror. She touched her face gently, as if It's not as beautiful as on TV.

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