By the time she got to the hospital, she looked more anxious than her friends, which confirmed what the nurses thought of her and Jonah.

When jonai was pushed to the emergency room, Luo Xiwei's colleagues were also prevented from entering the emergency room. She waited eagerly in front of the emergency room. She kept looking inside. She wanted to go in and see him again and again, but was stopped again and again by a young woman doctor.

"I'm sorry, Rosie. You can't go in." The woman doctor obviously knew her. She looked at Luo Xiwei with some doubts, and wanted to ask her what was wrong with the play, and whether it was to be shot. At the moment, however, she knew that it was not appropriate to say everything.

"Oh." Said Luo Xiwei disappointed. She did not ask the female doctor how to know her, but since she met the little nurse who knew her, Luo Xiwei was ready to be recognized when she walked on the street.

As soon as the female doctor saw that she was an intern, she could not help much in the emergency room, but only helped him deliver things under the command of the head teacher. The handsome male doctor said to her, "Xiaolei, bring me another pair of gloves. This one is damaged..."

And the woman doctor just did exactly what he said. Moreover, she really did not seem to be able to help in the diagnosis and treatment, just stood idly watching her teacher treat jonet.

But Luo Xiwei still had to ask. However, at present, it seems that only the female doctor named Xiaolei seems to have nothing important to do, while other doctors in the emergency room are busy. It seems that everyone wants to be a thousand handed Guanyin.

"Doctor, how is he? Is his life in danger?" Luo Xiwei saw that the doctor named Xiaolei came out of the emergency room and asked.

"There should be no life-threatening." Dr. Xiaolei said to Luo Xiwei, "but I'd better let the attending doctor tell you about the specific situation. I'm going to find the head nurse now."

"Oh." Luo Xiwei blinked and watched doctor Xiaolei slip away from under her eyes, but she could not ask about the progress of jonai's injury. At the moment, Joey's lying in the emergency room like a fish in the emergency room.

There's no energy at all.

Luo Xiwei felt dead in this hospital. In just a few days, Luo Xiwei came to the hospital three times. The first time was because she was crushed by the collapsed dressing room, the second was to send Park Zhentian who was knocked down by her to the hospital, and the third time was to send Joanne who was injured to cover her.

It seems that every time there is tolerance for their own injury! Park Minho, park Zhentian, and jonai all went to the hospital because of themselves

Luo Xiwei began to doubt herself: why in her limited memory, almost half of the hospital occupied?

At this moment, the attending doctor took off the mask and walked out. When his eyes hit Luo Xiwei, he was surprised for a moment, and then solemnly said to Luo Xiwei, "excuse me, are you the family member of the patient?"

Luo Xiwei shook her head indifferently: "I am not."

"Are you his girlfriend Asked the doctor.

Roxie shook her head again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!