"I'll be relieved if you're not hurt." Park Min Ho finally breathed a sigh of relief at the other end of the phone, "which hospital are you in? I'll pick you up now. "

"I No, I can't go now That Someone's hurt. I have to stay and take care of him. " Said Luo Xiwei haltingly.

"Care?" Park Min Ho pondered for a while and asked, "which old man did you knock down again?"

"No, I just..." "It's a friend of mine who was He's in the hospital now, and I want to stay and take care of him. "

"Oh." Park Min Ho said, "men's and women's?"

"Men." Said Luo Xiwei.

"Men?" Park minhao's nerves suddenly became tense, "you Do you remember the past? "

"Not yet." Luo Xiwei replied.

"Then how do you know he is your friend?" Park Min Ho asked anxiously, "I will come here now, in case you are cheated..."

"No way..." Luo Xiwei tried every means to explain, but was interrupted by park Min Ho.

"Now tell me, which hospital are you in?" Park Min Ho said, "I'll come to the hospital to see you now."

"Really not..." Luo Xiwei refused to name the hospital. He was afraid that park minhao mistook jonai for a bad man. Although luoxiwei also had such doubts at the beginning, listening to jonet telling their story and seeing jonai seriously injured himself, luoxiwei believed that jonai was definitely not a liar.

No swindler would cheat others at the cost of his own life. What's more, Luo Xiwei has nothing, and he can't cheat anything from Luo Xiwei.

There is no sound in the mobile phone. Park Min Ho has already hung up.

Luo Xiwei doesn't know if Park Min Ho will come, but she really doesn't want Park Min Ho to see jonai. In case Park Minho knows jonai, and if jonai was once a heartless ex boyfriend, how will park minhao treat him, or even, will he be rude when he sees him?

Luo Xiwei is worried. She knows that park minhao loves her very much. However, even if jonai was once a scum man, he is now so seriously injured for himself that all the dregs can disappear.

Luo Xiwei sat quietly in the corridor and looked at jonai silently. His head has been bandaged up, the blood on his face has been cleaned by nurses, now you can see his handsome face. He had already changed into a blue striped medical suit. He was so lonely in the hospital bed that no one came to visit him.

Of course, luoxiwei didn't inform jonai's family. She didn't know jonet's family, let alone his family's telephone number. So Ronnie was left alone with Lucille.

When luoxiwei quietly looked into jonai's ward, suddenly a group of people with cameras and Mai surrounded Luo Xiwei. They came from all directions, brisk and cheerful. It seems that they have a strong curiosity about luoxiwei.

Luo Xiwei knew that they were the terrible reporters in the legend. She didn't know how many interviews she had received before she lost her memory, but it was the first time for her after. There was no such powerful battle in her memory. Suddenly, Weixi wants to see so many people.

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