Park Min Ho took a step and was about to walk inside the hospital. It seems that she wants to have a good meeting with Luo Xiwei.

However, luoxiwei stood motionless, as if he did not want to see Jonah.

"What's the matter, vivie?" When Park Min Ho saw Luo Xiwei standing there motionless, he also stopped here.

"No No Luo Xiwei shook her head, but her step was still motionless.

"Let's go." Park Min Ho took Luo Xiwei's hand and said to her.

"Go? Where are you going? " Although he clearly knew that the place Park Min Ho was talking about was the room where he lived, Luo Xiwei still pretended that he didn't understand, and asked with a silly face.

"Meet your friend Said Park Min Ho.

"Ah? Oh? " Luo Xiwei touched the back of her head and said, "no No more. "

"Well?" Park Min Ho laughed and joked, "didn't you say you would stay to take care of your friends? If you don't come home with me or let me see your friends, what do you want to do

"I..." Luo Xiwei said hesitantly, "well All right. Anyway, I haven't paid his medical expenses. Otherwise, you can pay them for him? "

"You Park Min Ho pressed the back of Luo Xi Wei's head, "dare you, I'm here to pay?"

"No It's not. " "Brother, have you heard of jonet

"Jonet?" Park Min Ho thought carefully, "I haven't heard of it."

Luo Xiwei's heart instantly felt relaxed, she slightly relaxed her mood, and finally was able to take park Min Ho to see jonai.

"What's the matter, vivie?" Park Min Ho asked, "who is Jonah? Is that your friend? " Although Park Min Ho did not know jonai, nor was he familiar with the name, when the name came out of his mouth, park Min Ho found that it was so smooth. He thought carefully, as if not long after he knew luoxiwei, she had been drunk in her villa by the sea, holding his body, but calling jonet's name on her mouth.

Who is this Jonah? What's the relationship with Luo Xiwei? Why did Luo Xiwei suddenly appear beside Luo Xiwei after she lost her memory and burst into her life? Does this have something to do with Luo Xiwei's role in "mistakenly provoking male gods" and its popularity?

Park Min Ho had seen so much of the world that he had to keep an eye on it.

"No Not really. " Said Luo Xiwei nervously.

"Your friend in the hospital is Jonah?" Asked Park Min Ho.

"Yes." Luoxiwei nodded. She finally took park Min Ho to jonai's room, and now jonai has woken up. He was looking forward to the two men coming in.

Jonet's heart was filled with consolation at the sight of Lucille. As expected, she was by her side. She had just left for a while, not since then.

However, who is the man behind luoxiwei? Jonet's heart speculated: is it luoxiwei's boyfriend now? If so, he can only wish that they can grow old together and take care of her for him forever. In this way, he was relieved.

"Hello." Jonet raised his head very hard and painfully, and the words came out of his mouth with great difficulty. , the fastest update of the webnovel!