When Luo Xiwei returned to the ward, park Min Ho and jonai's first round of verbal attacks had ended, and they were looking at each other with disdain. There seems to be no smoke, but it is more terrible than the smoke.

However, Luo Xiwei didn't notice these things at all. She still felt that everything was normal. It was just that two people were not familiar with each other, which led to the embarrassing atmosphere of no words to say.

"Here you are." Luo Xiwei happily handed the credit card to park minhao, "thank you..."

Just when Luo Xiwei was about to call out the "elder brother", park Min Ho suddenly covered Luo Xiwei's mouth: "silly girl, do you still need to distinguish so clearly between you and me?" He slowly put his hand down. "By the way, you didn't even bring money when you went out today?" Park Min Ho took out a dozen pink bills from his hand as he spoke.

"No Luo Xiwei said, while taking out a piece from inside, "one is enough."

Park Min Ho had no choice but to smile. He looked at Luo Xiwei's simple eyes and felt that she was very lovely. I'm afraid it's rare to see such a woman who doesn't love money! Perhaps Park Min Ho's luck is not good enough. So far, it seems that only Luo Xiwei can refuse the money he gives!

"Take them all! Mine is yours. " Park Min Ho very affectionately stroked Luo Xi Wei's head, "don't be polite with me." As he said this, he put all the cash he had in his hand into luoxiwei's hand.

However, in the side of jonet quietly looking at these two people, the heart is very uncomfortable.

Isn't there some stinky money? Need to show off in front of him? Jonai's sense of self-esteem was hurt 10000 points. Even if Luo Xiwei is not a woman who is greedy for money, but if Park Min Ho goes on like this for a long time, I am afraid that Luo Xiwei will lose the ability of self-reliance sooner or later, and will completely rely on Park minhao economically and spiritually. Jonet thought, this is really terrible!

Jonah turned his head against the wall in a very uncomfortable way. He didn't want to continue to see the two men so much in front of him. As Luo Xiwei's ex boyfriend, Joanne really can't stand it.

Park Min Ho seemed to notice jonai's pain, and finally realized that he might have gone too far. However, as long as the thought of jonai, the ex boyfriend, suddenly came out and appeared in the world of luoxiwei, park minhao's heart is full of vinegar, even if luoxiwei really only regards jonai as a friend.

"Jonet." Luoxiwei saw that jonai was suddenly like this, thinking that he was not feeling well, so she asked with great concern, "how do you feel now? Is there any particular discomfort? Do you still have pain? "

"I'm fine. I'm fine. It doesn't hurt." Jonet, like a child, was now very dependent on the white wall.

"Jonah, turn your body around, the doctor said. You are sad in front of your chest. You must sleep on your back. You can't lie on your side, and you can't lie on your stomach. If you're not careful, it will affect the wound." Luo Xiwei said to park minhao very kindly.

Jonet did not speak. At last he listened to Lucifer and turned around. Although he did overdo it in the deserted one-man studio, he just wanted to know whether luoxiwei would worry when he saw him. Now it seems that she still cares about herself as much as before. His verification has been answered. However, his injuries are real, and give him a lot of pain, and even, as long as a gentle action, his wound will send out a kind of heartrending pain.

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