Money again!

Jonet gnawed his teeth with hate. Whenever Park Min Ho threw out a large amount of money, jonai felt incomparable pain, as if any truth could be solved with money. However, for jonet, who did not have enough money, every time he talked about money, it was like a deep mark on his body.

Pain, especially pain. Burning pain, tearing heart and lung pain. Jonai could only watch Luo Xiwei throw himself into Park Min Ho's arms. That man can help Luo Xiwei to deal with many difficulties in her life and not let her feel confused because she has no money. He is the president of yanmiao group and a rich second generation. He can even give up his job in order to have a romantic relationship with Luo Xiwei. He is now very rich - almost everything.

In front of Park Min Ho, jonai was self abased. He once and Luo Xiwei are so deeply in love, but lost to the cause.

It is not so much that he was defeated by his career as by his money. If there was no money confusion, how could he give up Luo Xiwei and choose a long way of no return? Money has always been the grave of men's love, but this time, jonet has made money the grave of the girl luoxiwei. He is really unfair to her.

He was unable to support her, so he had to abandon her. For a better future, he gave up the good present. But do not know, the so-called future, the original is so difficult and dangerous, he can no longer force himself and a girl he does not love together.

So, he chose to escape, escaped from her claws. Even, in order not to let her find him or her father to blame him for making him difficult, he quit his job as a school counselor and started his own business on his own, even though he is still in the downturn and in a mess.

Nothing, however, is of any use. Even though he has now begun to realize the great pain that his mistake has brought to him, even though he is constantly repenting day and night, even if he tries hard to fight his own career again, even if he has the ability to be good to Luo Xiwei in the future, even if he has three heads and six arms

Luo Xiwei is already Park Min Ho's girlfriend!

He thought there was still time to turn back, but the fact was that he couldn't!

If there is regret medicine in the world, if it is worth a lot of money, jonet, even if he is ruined, will get it! How painful it is for him to break up, and then tell himself how painful it is to break up before and after that moment, and then tell himself how painful it is to break up!

In that case, Jonah only needs to pay the price of a slap in the face.

But now, it is the price of losing luoxiwei forever! As long as you think of this, jonai's hatred for himself is like a torrent of river water. If self abuse can save everything, he really wants to do a good job of self abuse and ravage himself to this life, and dare not have the idea of breaking up with luoxiwei.

It's just that time flies. At the moment, park Min Ho and Luo Xiwei are very close to each other, forming a perfect movement. The picture of two people together is so beautiful that jonet dare not break it. Even he could not help but admit in his heart: only park Min Ho is the most suitable man for Luo Xiwei! , the fastest update of the webnovel!