Luoxiwei looked at jonet so and so suffering, in the heart of millions of unbearable. She couldn't wait to walk up to jonet and observe him in silence.

"Jonah, are you all right? Jonah, don't scare me Luoxiwei was so nervous that her hands and even her body were shaking.

"I'm fine." Jonet, covering his head, continued to cry, "Oh, dear Am I going to die... "

"Jonah, I'm not leaving." Said Luo Xiwei very firmly.

"No, don't mind me. "Jonah said, squinting at Park Min Ho. He saw Park Min Ho's angry face and thought it was very funny. But Lo HSI Wei was in front of him, and he was so close to himself that jonet tried to suppress his smile, but his stomach was a little uncomfortable. "Weiwei, you go. Park minhao is right. It's getting late. It's time for you to go home."

Luo Xiwei took a look at Park Min Ho, and then said to jonai, "you are so painful, so hard, because of me, so I will never leave." She was very considerate to help jonet cover the quilt, "you can rest assured, a good sleep, I will always accompany you."

"What do you say?" Park Min Ho some can't believe his ears, "you want to accompany him? It's not a good night for you, right? It has a bad reputation... "

"It's OK. This is the hospital." Luo Xiwei said to park Min Ho very easily, "besides, there is glass on the door of the hospital. Jonai will not do anything to me. Besides, isn't he all sick like this? I'm afraid he can't even stand on his face. Your worry is really unnecessary. I know you don't trust me, but please believe me, I'll be fine

A ghostly smile appeared on jonet's face. With Luo Xiwei's face on his back, he made a hard to see face at Park Min Ho, and then spit out his tongue at him playfully, as if to show off his victory.

"No way!" Park Min Ho strongly protested. Especially when he saw the arrogant face of jonet, he knew that jonet must have been on purpose. Therefore, he did not allow luoxiwei to stay alone to take care of jonet. Even park Min Ho, the real boyfriend, is reluctant to use her. She has been spoiled as a daughter, not to let her be ordered by others one day!

"No, I can do it." Luo Xi Wei pouted a small mouth, two hands to pull Pu min Pick's right hand, then naughtily shook his hand, desperately scatters Jiao, "OK, please..."

The elder brother "Min Wei" said, "let's have a good look at her mouth! Stay, you stay. "

Jonet and rothiway laughed at each other. It's just that jonet's smile is more ghostly.

"Great!" Luo Xiwei tightly constructed Park Min Ho's neck, "I knew you would spoil me and promise me!"

"But I have one condition." Park Min Ho sold Mai Guan Zi.

"What conditions? Say it Luo Xiwei asked, "as long as you can let me stay to take care of him, let alone a condition, even if it is 100, 1000, 10000 conditions, I will promise you!"

Luo Xiwei was excited beyond control. She can finally get out of here without guilt. , the fastest update of the webnovel!