"But..." Park Min Ho pretended that he didn't understand Luo Xiwei's words, "someone said just now that it's fun to be surrounded by such a group of people No, I have to take you back! " Park Min Ho said, with the tide will Luo Xiwei carry up. He easily put luoxiwei on his own shoulder and pretended to be going back.

"Disgust, you let me down!" "You are so bad," cried Lucifer! If you don't let me down, I'm going to yell! " She clapped Park Min Ho on the back and said aloud.

All of a sudden, Luo Xiwei's mind suddenly flashed a similar picture: Park Min Ho was holding her in a shopping mall, and she was afraid to cry out "help, indecent.".

Luo Xiwei's memory is such a picture! This embarrassed Luo Xiwei. Isn't the man who is carrying her, her brother? Why did she cry "help" and "impoliteness" when she was held by him happily? It seemed to be her memory, but she couldn't remember what kind of situation it was.

Luo Xiwei thought that even if his brother was joking with him, he would not say the word "indecent".

Park Min Ho, who is he? If he is not his brother, what is his intention to approach him? What was his intention of bringing her to his house? And if she is not park Min Ho's sister, then Pu Zhentian is not her father

Fortunately, I didn't ask for park Zhentian's father, or how embarrassed would it be? But why did Park Min Ho approach himself step by step? When she came to park Zhentian's house, park minhao suddenly appeared in front of him Although he didn't treat her well in the days when he was with Park Minho, and he took good care of her, but Why did he hide the truth from her?

What is all this? Luo Xiwei felt her head ache. Every time she thought of the things she had, even if it was just a moment's memory, it would make her head ache like a knife.

Park Min Ho went back recklessly.

"Let me down!" Luo Xiwei suddenly said coldly.

Park Min Ho suddenly stopped, he felt that Luo Xiwei's tone was not right. She had always been gentle and had never been so indifferent to him as she had just been. It was a terrible sound, like it was coming out of the morgue, rigid and emotionless. Even when we met at nine o'clock for the first time, Luo Xiwei's attitude towards him was not gentle enough, but it was just trembling and not so cold.

I don't know why, park Min Ho suddenly felt that the girl lying on his shoulder suddenly became stiff and indifferent. It seemed that she was not the luoxiwei she had been familiar with.

"What do you say?" Park Min Ho asked with some worry.

"You let me down!" Luo Xiwei's voice returned to normal. However, when she saw that park Min Ho had never put her down, she beat him on the back harder and cried out, "help! It's not polite! Help me. It's impolite... "

This almost made Park Min Ho jump. Although there is no one around, park Min Ho thinks that this place is more frightening than the crowded shopping mall. At least he knows that the mall is his territory. What's more, Luo Xiwei is just joking with him. But now Luo Xiwei, where has the appearance of joking? Her voice was so cold, and her indifference was mixed with fear, as if she had met a hungry wolf who wanted to rob her.

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