"Vivie Park Min Ho tightly grasped Luo Xiwei's hand and looked at her with extraordinary firmness. "What do you want me to do to believe me? I swear to God that I have no evil intention towards you. If..."

However, at this time, Luo Xiwei suddenly struggled to escape from park minhao's side, and then left in a hurry

"Wei Wei, Wei Wei!" Park Min Ho tried hard to pull Luo Xiwei's hand, but found that this time, he pulled an empty Luo Xiwei's fingers only had a very slight contact with him, and then a person slipped away from park minhao's eyes

Park Min Ho just watched Luo Xiwei slip away from his eyes, but he never caught up with her. She went up the stairs around the corner and disappeared.

Park Min Ho has been chasing her for a long time, and even has been chasing her at the speed of God. Just when Park Min Ho was sure that he could catch up with her, he could not find her shadow any more. Even Luo Xiwei's "Dong Dong Dong" steps upstairs stopped for a long time.

Park Min Ho is wondering, just because he once won the first place in Jiangchuan youth group running in high school, can't even a girl who has no strength to tie a chicken can't catch up with him? At the moment when Park Min Ho felt strange, he heard the sound of footsteps in a hurry downstairs. The footstep sound is light and full of vitality. You can know that it is Luo Xiwei's footstep. However, the footstep was not only far away from him, but also gradually away.

Park Min Ho suddenly realized that Luo Xiwei was hiding just now! He really regretted that he was not careful enough to let luoxiwei escape from under his own eyes.

However, Luo Xiwei has not been walking for a long time, she bumps into a man full of smoke. Luo Xiwei only felt a fit of nausea. She did not lift her head and wanted to go on. However, just at the moment when she stepped out of her step, the man full of the smell of smoke stopped her.

"Vivie Said the man.

Luo Xiwei thought that he was just calling for another person with the same nickname as her. Therefore, she did not return her head and was about to move on.

"Weiwei, luoxiwei!" Once again, the man called her name, "luoxiwei!"

Luo Xiwei just stopped. She turned her head and saw a familiar face. Although the face was not ugly, Luo Xiwei's heart was repelled.

"You?" Luo Xiwei didn't recognize who he was at once, but somehow felt that he was very familiar. She felt that it was her biggest mistake not to think of his name all of a sudden.

"I'm rokai!" Rocai looked at lothewie. She was standing there in such a dull and wooden way that she looked very strange. According to common sense, they have worked together for so many days that Luo Xiwei should be familiar with his voice and his face. But her indifference told him that she was strange not only to his voice, but also to his face. More importantly, she had no idea who he was.

Is it possible that Is Luo Xiwei still in amnesia? Luo Kai has been trying hard to get close to park Zhihao recently. He almost forgot about Luo Xiwei's amnesia. Luo Kai's eyes turned, and he laughed at Luo Xiwei with kindness. He asked tentatively, "why don't you know me after a few days, honey?"

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