"Two hundred million?" Luo Xiwei asked quietly, "you mean that you spend two hundred million to buy everything I have done to you today, right?"

"You see Is this condition acceptable to you? " Luo Kai did not answer Luo Xiwei's question, but put forward another question to luoxiwei.

"Yes." Luo Xiwei agreed without hesitation. At least, this will not only help park Min Ho rest assured of her safety, but also help him not to feel sorry for the damage to his soul, but also save him 200 million yuan. For Luo Xiwei, let alone two hundred million yuan, even if it is 20000 yuan, she has not seen it so far. Since Park Min Ho has promised to invest 1 billion yuan in Luo Kai, it would be good to help him earn 200 million yuan. Although she knew that park Min Ho was not short of money and how much money he had, Luo Xiwei had already decided.

"Come on Luo Kai made a warm applause for Luo Xiwei's decision. He finally felt the power of money. Originally, Luo Xiwei was just like this. Under the temptation of money, he agreed so quickly.

"But." Luo Xiwei said, "it's just that you bribe me not to mention to President Park what you just wanted to do to me. As for the performance fee, I want 300 million. "

"300 million?" Luo Kai felt surprised, and he suddenly became a little angry. "Luo Xiwei, you are just a little star who just came out. You haven't really become a star. How could you ask me for 300 million yuan? Are you crazy or what? In the whole city of Jiangchuan, no actor dares to open such a high price! Don't say it's 300 million. According to your present value, it's quite good to give you 300000. "

"Luo Kai, do you mean to mention" good meaning "to me? Why didn't you know these three words when you ravaged me just now Luo Xiwei said indignantly.

"Luo Xiwei, don't think you can ask too much with the support of President Park!" Luo Kai looked at Luo Xiwei with evil charm, "do you believe that I will ravage you again? And this time, I don't think anybody's knocking on the door again? Can I succeed in the end

"You rascal Luo Xiwei looked at Luo Kai angrily, "Luo Kai, if you really dare to do something to me, he will certainly not let you go!"

"Hum!" Luo Kai's heart felt oppressed. Seeing that he was about to get a billion yuan, he was suddenly cut off half of it. He was very upset. However, everything had to be done. Originally thought that this time can become the film to make the most of the economic benefits of that person, but unexpectedly let Luo Xiwei become a real winner. However, he had to swallow his anger in silence, "300 million is 300 million. However, please remember that you can't forget your promise. You must pretend that nothing has happened in front of President Park. You can't let him know that I just told you... "

"I promise you." In front of Luo Kai, Luo Xiwei becomes powerful instantly. With the support of President Park, Luo Xiwei suddenly felt that she had more confidence. For a villain like Luo Kai, Luo Xiwei thought, there is really no need to give him too much tolerance. "However, you have to promise me that you will have to type 500 million into my account before the film starts to be made."

"Well, it's up to you, as long as you're happy." Even though there was a burning anger in rokai's heart, he said blandly.

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