"Can you lend me some money?" Asked Luo Xiwei.

"Borrow money?" Hosy was surprised. As far as the roommate of Wei Wei is concerned, he will not be short of his boyfriend. What's more, she is now a star who has been very popular since her debut. Many young people know her. No matter how bad the star's life is, hosy believes that it will not be reduced to borrowing money from others. Huoxi was really puzzled and asked, "sister, what happened?"

"It's a long story." Luoxiwei's face showed a hesitant expression. She didn't know whether she should tell Huoxi everything. Huoxi has always been so kind to her. She is afraid to let Huoxi worry.

"Of course you can borrow the money." Huoxi quickly took out the wallet from his trouser pocket and opened it to find that there was only more than 200 yuan left in it. Without hesitation, he handed two pink bills to luoxiwei. Sister, I don't really want to question you, but if you have any practical difficulties, I think I may be able to help you. By the way, sister, how did you come to the hospital? What happened? Don't you become a star? How can you be short of money? "

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Luo Xiwei took the money Huoxi handed her. "When I get paid, I'll give it back to you as soon as possible. This time I came to the hospital, in fact, it was Jonah who was injured

"Jonet? Sister, didn't you break up with Jonah long ago? Why are you still in touch with him? He was cheating for the position of instructor of Jiangchuan University. Would you be Are you back with him again? " Hosy was startled and said, "Oh! No wonder you don't have money. You didn't break up with Park Minho and returned to jonai? " Hosy was very worried.

"No Luoxiwei laughed. "I came here to take care of jonai because he was injured for me. I took care of him to thank him for his saving my life. The matter between me and him has long been over."

"Then I'll be relieved." Huoxi looked at luoxiwei with wide eyes. "So late, are you the place where Park Min Ho lives together? Is President Park not coming to meet you? "

Luo Xiwei shook her head: "No. I want to find a hotel and stay first. "

"Hotel?" Hosy was startled. "No, no! You are a girl. How can you stay in a hotel? It's too unsafe there, especially if you're alone, and you don't have a company around

Luo Xiwei gave a bitter smile: "what can I do. Oh, it's too late. I have to go now

"Wait a minute!" Huoxi stopped her. "Sister, I'm renting a house by myself now. If you don't mind, you can stay with me."

"Live with you? This Not so good Luo Xiwei felt embarrassed. Originally, such thoughts flashed in her mind, but after all, she was Park Min Ho's girlfriend and lived with Park Min Ho, and hosy knew about it. She was afraid that if she lived with Huoxi, she would feel embarrassed and feel sorry for park Min Ho.

"It's OK, sister." Hosy laughed. "Did you forget? I haven't graduated yet. In addition to living outside, I can go back to school. Well, I'll take you back to my rented place, and then I'll go back to school

"This..." Hosy's house, which he rented for the convenience of his work, made him a success and sent him to live in school? Luo Xiwei's heart is more embarrassed.

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