"Park Zhihao!" Cheng Xuehui is still struggling to break free from Park Zhihao's arms. After that, the first thing she did was give Park Zhihao a loud slap in the face.

"Huihui, you misunderstood me!" Park Zhihao vowed.

"Misunderstanding? What did I misunderstand you about? " Cheng Xuehui's heart is full of anger, just in park Zhihao's room that all still remember, and turned to please himself, this is to ask for her forgiveness? How could that be possible! What did he think of her? Is she so talkative?

"Huihui." Park Zhihao drags Cheng Xuehui's hand. Autumn is coming, and her little hands have been blowing cold in the cold wind. Park Zhihao took up her hand with great care and put it in his warm hands. He rubbed and rubbed again and again. The tone of his voice became more and more gentle, "Huihui, you really misunderstood me."

"Misunderstanding? What's wrong with that? " Cheng Xuehui couldn't believe what Park Zhihao said. He was so ruthless just now. How could he be a fake?

"Huihui, I just had a bad attitude towards you. It's my fault." But I really have a hard time With that, park Zhihao looked at Cheng Xuehui with a very serious look.

"Really?" Cheng Xuehui can't believe it. However, at the moment, park Zhihao standing in front of her that pair of sincere appearance, but let Cheng Xuehui can not resist.

"It's true, of course." Park Zhihao is more sincere, he clenched Cheng Xuehui's hand. "Huihui, your hand is so cold. Let's go back first, and I'll explain it to you again."

Cheng Xuehui understands that Pu Zhihao will not make any more mistakes. She wanted to see what else park could do. Therefore, she agreed to park Zhihao's request and followed him back to room 8008.

Sitting on the soft sofa in room 8008, Cheng Xuehui asked Park Zhihao, "now, can you explain? What else do you have to say? Do you think there is still a formal break-up ceremony between us? "

"Huihui. Listen to me Park Zhihao sat next to Cheng Xuehui and said, "in fact, I was acting just now."

"Acting?" Cheng Xuehui sneered, "Park Zhihao, when did you become an actor?"

"Huihui, you know, Luo Xiwei is park minhao's girlfriend. How can I really like her? I just I just miss you so much that I take her for you. You know, every time I think about you, I think my hormones explode so fast that I want to Want to... " Speaking of this, park Zhihao's eyes became particularly gentle, "Huihui, you know what I want to do to you. So, at that time, I didn't control myself for a moment, so I was photographed by you. But, Huihui, you have to believe that you are the only one in my heart. "

"You want me to believe you?" Cheng Xuehui is a sneer again, "what do you want me to believe in you?"

"I love you With that, Pu Zhihao hugs Cheng Xuehui tightly, hoping to press her in his body.

A strong kiss. Ten minutes of strong kissing. It is to press Cheng Xuehui hard on the wall to kiss.

Cheng Xuehui is intoxicated with it. She enjoyed the physical and mental pleasure brought to her by park Zhihao and wandered in this boundless romance. She finally began to believe what Park Zhihao said and believed that he loved her.

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