However, at this time, song Zhiheng seemed to have discovered a new continent and yelled: "look! What is that? "

"What?" Park Zhihao saw that song Zhiheng was so surprised that he looked at Song Zhiheng curiously and asked.

"Look! RV Song Zhiheng said aloud.

"Yes, it's a RV. You don't have to make such a fuss about the RV. " Park Zhihao felt helpless to song Zhiheng, "didn't you just come by RV? Did you forget? " He thought that song Zhiheng had found something, but he even paid attention to the RV at this critical moment. Park Zhihao was also drunk.

"No!" Song Zhiheng explained, "I mean, behind the van."

"Back?" Luo Kai murmured. He carefully looked at the caravan not far in front of him, but he didn't see anything. "Isn't that the jar we sacrificed just now behind the RV?"

"Yes, what's wrong with this?" Park Zhihao asked song Zhiheng.

"Oh Song Zhiheng is in a hurry. He goes to the back of the RV completely, raises his hand high, points to the camera and says, "look, what's this?"

"Pinhole camera?" Pu Zhihao, whose eyes were still sharp, finally found the problem, "you mean..." He looked at the location of the pinhole camera, and it seemed that he could just capture the location of the sacrifice.

But! Park Zhihao thought for a second that he had not installed any cameras on the car! Who did this?

However, no matter three seven 21, or watch the video first.

At the moment, Han Benben is very nervous. She is very afraid that the pinhole camera they found will show the whole process of her crime. She is even more afraid that she will be criticized by others after finding out the truth. She is also afraid that others will look at her with strange eyes. She is even more afraid that she will be alone after losing the protection of Li Feifan For the pinhole camera they found, Han Benben was simply frightened.

What a carelessness! Why didn't you find the camera behind the car as soon as possible? Han Benben really wants to slap himself and teach himself a lesson of carelessness.

Park Zhihao took several people to the car, found a computer and watched the video.

As expected, it is true that someone deliberately wanted to burn Luo Xiwei.

When Luo Kai gave everyone a stick of incense, suddenly a small, flexible girl was sneaking behind Luo Xiwei. She looked around in a ghostly way. Then, seeing that all the people were worshipping incense, she finally stretched out that terrible right hand holding incense, and finally locked the target of incense in her hand on Luo Xiwei.

One second passed, two seconds passed, three seconds Ten seconds passed

Luo Xiwei's body finally lit up a small flame. The girl immediately fled to the side far away from luoxiwei. There was no one behind luoxiwei.

Then suddenly someone in the crowd called out the sound of fire.

However, all the people only saw the back of the little girl, but did not see her face

Who is she? Everyone who is watching this video thinks so. However, she has not turned around, no one can guess who she is.

Suddenly, park Zhihao's eyes slanted out of the window. He patted himself on the thigh, and suddenly the maosai suddenly opened up. He called out, "I know who it is! It's her Park Zhihao pointed to a girl outside the window and said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!