"But." Li Fan murmured, the corner of his eyes began to glow.

Han Feiben looks at him like he wants to see himself?

"It's because of me. If I had not hurt Cheng Xuehui, she would not have been so against you. At least after it happened, she wouldn't make a big fuss about it. So, I will be responsible for it. " Li Fan said, "I will be responsible for supporting you all my life, so that you can live a life without worry."

"Ha ha." Helplessly, he said with a smile, "raise me all my life? Since you want to break up, why do you want to support me all my life? Li Fan, who do you think you are? If you want to support me all my life, do I have to let you support me for a lifetime? Do you think I'll thank you for that? You're just trying to make your heart feel better. But I don't. I just want to make you feel guilty. In this life, you not only hurt Cheng Xuehui, you also hurt me, I want you to live a lifetime of guilt. Even if I starve to death, I won't give you a chance to support me all my life

Don't be stupid Li Fan said, "in fact, I have other ways to let you It's better for you. Maybe you don't have to be charged with that. "

"What can I do?" Han Benben asked.

"Stupid." Li Fan said seriously, "if this thing is not really done by you, then if we find out the real culprit, we can clear the charge for you."

"Isn't that nonsense?" Han Benben looked at Li Fan angrily, "but, what method do you have to prove that I am innocent?"

"Don't worry, I'll try my best." Li Fan said, "of course, also need your full cooperation."

"Well, I'll cooperate with you." Han Benben is silent. truth? What is the truth? The truth is that her enemy Cheng Xuehui has the ability to put her to death when he comes to such a rich man as park Zhihao. Since Cheng Xuehui is so considerate and unwilling to let her go, does she still have the hope to continue to mix in the entertainment industry with her backstage like park Zhihao? Han Benben felt sad. She suddenly felt that she had no love for the entertainment industry.

It was soon noon. The matter has been found out, park Zhihao gave Luo Xiwei an account. Since someone set fire on purpose, luoxiwei, the female number one, can't be replaced. He was very happy to come to luoxiwei's side and told her the good news.

Along with them are Luo Kai and Cheng Xuehui. They all cheered for Luo Xiwei, hoping that she would perform a good film.

Cheng Xuehui gives Luo Xiwei great comfort. She patted Luo Xiwei on the shoulder and said, "Congratulations, Luo Xiwei. In fact, I can see that Han Benben did this for a long time, so I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, I installed the camera. I thought that the tent was not set up. I was afraid that thieves would steal our clothes and equipment. I installed this pinhole camera to prevent thieves, but I didn't expect that it could be used to solve crimes. "

"Thank you." No matter what, Luo Xiwei still thanks Cheng Xuehui from the bottom of her heart. Since it's the camera she installed, it's her who has made a great contribution to the investigation of this matter. Originally Cheng Xuehui was so eager to find out the murderer. Luo Xiwei thought she wanted to change herself and replace the position of female No.1. But now it seems that Cheng Xuehui is wronged.

Luo Xiwei's heart secretly reproached herself. Looking at Cheng Xuehui's brilliant smile, she vowed that even in order to repay her kindness this time, she must be better to Cheng Xuehui.

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