"Marry you?" Li Fan "hum" a, and then sneer, "you have done such a thing, incredibly still have the cheek to say that I marry you."

"What's the matter?" Cheng Xuehui's eyes flash a trace of doubt. Yesterday, Cheng Xuehui was still complacent to see Li Fan as adamant as he said he wanted to marry her, and he was happy that he refused and insulted Li Fan and Han Benben. But now, how could he suddenly turn his face away? Just yesterday, in the RV, he said his commitment to her would not change. Although Cheng Xuehui doesn't need such a promise, she just likes to see the man submit to her feet. The feeling of looking down from high places makes Cheng Xuehui enjoy his whole life. But now looking at Li Fan's disdainful look at her now, it seems that from yesterday's will her to the sky, all of a sudden she threw to the ground. Therefore, Cheng Xuehui felt angry, just like her self-esteem was trampled flat.

"Nothing." Li Fan still said lightly, "you know what you do."

"What did I do?" Cheng Xuehui asked.

"You set up stupid." Li Fan said very calmly.

At the moment, even Luo Xiwei was surprised. Li Fan is not always in doubt, but has not found evidence? How could he suddenly say such firm words?

"You're talking nonsense!" Cheng Xuehui suddenly choked red face, "Li Fan, you can't because you are Han Benben's boyfriend so nonsense about others!" Cheng Xuehui's mood is broken and her temper is irritable.

"I broke up with Han Benben yesterday, and I broke up with Benben before you found the video to frame Benben." Li Fan said, "so, I'm not defending her, I just want to find out the truth."

"Li Fan, you are a clumsy person on the left and a clumsy person on the right, but you still say that you have broken up with her?" Cheng Xuehui said, "I think you want to help her and deliberately say that you have broken up with her to confuse you? In this way, you can not only continue to bubble me, but also help Han Benben

"Well, there's no such thing." Li Fan said with a smile, "Cheng Xuehui, you really think too much. I really don't think about who I'm going to soak in, let alone you. "

"What you said yesterday..." Cheng Xuehui was so angry that she turned red.

"I want to be responsible for my own fault. I don't mean to soak you up." Li Fan said coldly, "if you like, I still say that, I will be responsible for what I said yesterday. But I want to tell you two things. First, I just want to be responsible, not to soak you up. Second, what I said yesterday is still true and valid, but only if you agree. Otherwise, as long as you have not promised, you can't care about my affairs with others, especially with Han Benben... "

Li Fan spoke with relish. He was angry at Han Benben's humiliation. He seems to have forgotten yesterday's confession and apology to Cheng Xuehui. Do not know when, it seems that Li Fan has become sentimental, become sympathetic to those who he thinks is in a weak position.

If he is now in love with Cheng Xuehui, he will certainly not treat Cheng Xuehui as before. It's just that it's too late. People will change, Li Fan will change, Cheng Xuehui will also change.

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