"Yes. She's a star. " Jonet was still very high spirited. "You can ask quickly. After that, if you want her autograph, I can help you. If you don't have time to sign for her, it may lead to her deterioration. "

"Who are you? How about talking to the police? " Police officers are not happy with jonet's attitude. He took a look at luoxiwei who was sitting there. "I think she's good, isn't she? If you really want to go to the hospital, you can still sit here quietly? "

"I'm no one." Jonet said, "you do. Please hurry up." Jonet suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong with me? Do you know that you are in the police station now? " "Has the final say here, before you go out," the police officer cautioned. "I can't count on you to shout and wrangle here."

"All right, all right, I see." But for the sake of Luo Xiwei, who is a big star, you can do it, OK Jonet joked.

"What? Loxiwei The policeman thought, "how can this name sound so familiar?" He looked up at the sky at a 45 degree angle to the horizon.

"Don't pretend to be a literary youth looking up at the sky. This posture is only good-looking when the fresh meat is put out. This posture is not suitable for uncle like you." Jonet said with a smile, "you say you know the name luoxiwei? So you mean you don't know Roxie? Uncle, you're really out. You don't even know Luo Xiwei... "

"Ah! I remember! " Wei Wei came to the police, and suddenly he called out. Luoxiwei

Luo Xiwei raised her head and saw a very familiar face. But, for a moment, she couldn't remember where she had seen this face, let alone who it was.

"It's really luoxiwei." The policeman said to Luo Xiwei with a smile, "is it really you? Why are you? "

"Do you know me?" Luo Xiwei felt a little dizzy. The uncle said as if he had known her a long time ago.

"I tell you, don't pretend to be an acquaintance." Jonai glanced at the police officer displeasantly. "Now there are very few people in Jiangchuan city who don't know Luo Xiwei. Don't think you'll be able to sign your name by pretending to please He looked at Luo Xiwei again and said to her, "don't pay attention to him. He just takes a look at many people. It's just for you to be a star."

"It's me! I'm Guo Xuemin! " Instead of paying attention to jonet, the police officer said to luoxiwei, "remember? Park Min Ho and I were caught in the mall. Later, I learned that it was a misunderstanding and that you two were having fun The police officer laughed.

From Guo Xuemin's mouth to hear the name "Park Min Ho", Qiao Nai knew that Guo Xuemin really knew Luo Xiwei. He didn't want to hear the words "Park Min Ho" so much that his eyes suddenly darkened.

However, Luo Xiwei's eyes suddenly glowed. She grabbed Guo Xuemin's arm excitedly, grabbed his sleeve, and looked at his face carefully: "yes, it's you!"

Luo Xiwei clearly remembers that after Park Min Ho carried her and she yelled at her, the police officer Guo Xuemin suddenly appeared in front of her.

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