"Here you are! Can we go now? " Asked jonet eagerly, always in an impolite manner.

"Yes, but..." Guo Xuemin seemed hesitant.

"But what?" I don't know why, jonai always treats Guo Xuemin with an unfriendly manner, which makes Luo Xiwei feel strange.

"But Luo Xiwei, someone will come to pick you up in a moment. I've already called for you Guo Xuemin said to Luo Xiwei with a smile on his face. His face was completely flattering.

"What? I've heard of the police car picking up the confession. But after recording the confession, there can be a transfer to send it back. It's the first time I've heard of it in the whole city of Jiangchuan. " Said jonet.

"I don't think we need to send it. We'll go back by ourselves." Luo Xiwei said to Guo Xuemin. With that, luoxiwei will leave here under the leadership of jonet.

"Ah, ah, ah..." Guo Xuemin was flustered. He immediately stood in front of Luo Xiwei and said, "that He can go, you can't! "

"Why?" The humble rothiway and the irascible jonet almost simultaneously uttered these three words.

"Well Well You'll find out in a moment Guo Xuemin spread out his hands in front of him, saying that he had no comment.

"You Jonai was even more irritable. He wanted to go up and beat Guo Xuemin violently. If Luo Xiwei didn't stop in front of him, he would at least use his own brain to make up for Guo Xuemin's violent beating scene. It's sour, it's fun!

"Jonet Luoxiweila pulled the sleeves of rajonai to the opposite direction of Guo Xuemin, so that he had no chance to fight with Guo Xuemin. "Why are you so angry now? I remember you didn't look like this when you went to school. You were so gentle then

"Weiwei, in fact, you don't know, I'm not gentle before, I'm just gentle to you, that's because I love you, so I'm warm like a kitten in front of you. At that time, I was irritable, but even if I was angry and jealous sometimes, I would not be angry with you. Vivi, I never show a bad temper in front of you, because I love you so much Said jonet in a deep voice.

"I know. I know it all. " Luo Xiwei said faintly, "I know what you said!"

"Is it?" Jonah laughed. "You Do you remember how I used to be? " He is very excited to look at Luo Xiwei, yes, she is his deep love Luo Xiwei! Although they have broken up, no one can erase their past. What has existed is what has existed, and what exists is reasonable.

"But it's too late. The present is the present, not the past, and can not be confused. Jonah, you've got the wrong point. I mean, you've got a bad temper right now. I'm not reminiscing about our past with you. And I'm contrary to you. I hope we all forget our past, and we'd better not mention it in the future. We should each live our own life now, and stop worrying about each other Wei said.

"Well Are you still entangled? " Asked jonet sincerely.

"I can't Said Luo Xiwei very firmly. But even she felt that she was lying to herself. Just as jonet appeared in front of her on the set, her heart was throbbing.

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