"What is it?" Asked Luo Xiwei.

"Yes, I was injured that day, but it was not so serious. Serious injury is just an illusion that I show. In fact, I didn't coma after I was injured on the set that day. I just want to see what kind of reaction Weiwei can have after I was injured. I pretended that I couldn't move in the hospital, which was also to let Weiwei take the initiative to stay and take care of me. That's the truth. Are you satisfied now, park Min Ho? "

A gorgeous slap fell on jonet's face in an instant. Luoxiwei hated jonet's behavior: "so you are pretending! Thanks to my gratitude to you all the time, I feel very guilty. I was cheated! I still want to stay to take care of you, but you cheat me again and again. Jonah, I don't want to see you again

"I'm sorry..." Jonet was extremely remorse, he also regretted that he had done so, but there was no regret medicine in the world. He stood there, quietly and sincerely waiting for luoxiwei to judge him.

Luo Xiwei didn't say a word. She just looked at the person who used to love herself so much and was never willing to cheat her. Now she is good at deceiving herself, and she doesn't draw a draft when she lies and doesn't blush when she does something wrong.

Changed, everything really changed. Or, Jonah has really changed a lot.

Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei, her eyes are really water, as if to shed tears. He couldn't bear to see Luo Xiwei so sad, so he said to Luo Xiwei, "Weiwei, let's go now! My car is out there, vivie, let's go home With that, park Min Ho took Luo Xiwei's hand, turned around and left.

"Ah! President Park Jonet, with his full voice, chased and exclaimed, "what about me? And me, and me! Are you going to leave me alone? Take me with you! I How can I go back? "

"You?" Park Min Ho took a look at jonai before getting on the bus. "You can take a taxi by yourself. My car said that because you are Wei Wei's ex boyfriend, it doesn't like you. This is my favorite car. In the future, no one can take my car except Wei Wei. "

"President Park, don't be funny. Can the car talk? " Jonet said impatiently, "what's wrong with you taking me with you? You let me take a taxi by myself, but I don't have any money with me, let alone a taxi. Even if I take a bus, I can't take it! "

Park Minho uttered a "tut", without hesitation, took out five red 100 yuan notes from his wallet and put them into jonai's hand: "here, here you are! It's enough for you to take a taxi to any corner of Jiangchuan city. " He stepped on the gas fast, and then he drove hard.

He stood there in a daze. He didn't expect Park Min Ho to be so grand. He didn't expect Park Min Ho to insult his personality. He threw down 500 yuan and turned himself into a beggar. He stood there regretfully. He was stealing chicken and not eating rice. He also defiled his IQ! In fact, where is jonet really short of money? In recent days, his small company has received several large orders. He really thinks that luoxiwei is a lucky star. Since seeing luoxiwei again a few days ago, the company's large and small lists have been continuously flowing. Obviously, the company has begun to make various profits. He just wanted to see Luo Xiwei more, even if he was just sitting in the back seat of Park Min Ho's car and quietly watching Luo Xiwei's back, but even such a simple wish could not be realized. He held the 500 yuan in his hand reluctantly and yelled at the car park Min Ho was driving to: "drag what drag, money is great!"

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