Hosy suddenly felt embarrassed. Maybe it's because he thinks too much that he will lead to such misunderstanding. However, hosy felt that he was not wrong to think that way. If his mud can't hold the wall, his roommates who know how to play games all day may be like what he thinks!

At the moment, hosy decided that he must discuss this matter with his good friends today to see if they would also like to pick up a phone with a broken screen thrown away by others.

Hosy stood awkwardly where he was, not knowing what to say. He saw that Luo Xiwei had already begun to pack her clothes, so he did not leave luoxiwei. Take advantage of the situation will luoxiwei some small objects, handed to Luo Xiwei: "sister, these are your."

"Thank you." Luo Xiwei's heart is very clear, no matter how much prejudice Huoxi's heart has against Park Min Ho, or how much prejudice he has against Park Min Ho's wealth, at least, he has no evil intention at all. She smiles at hosy. "Hosy, I'm leaving this evening. Thanks to your care these days, otherwise, I really don't know who to ask for help to take me in these days."

"Sister, if you need any help in the future, please call me." Hosy was obviously very reluctant to give up luoxiwei. He couldn't take his eyes off Luo Xiwei and couldn't bear to part with her.

"Well." Luo Xiwei nodded repeatedly.

However, park Min Ho did not care: "No. After Weiwei will not encounter any difficulties, even if there is a need for help, I will help her, do not need your help. However, I still want to be here to thank you for taking care of Wei Wei these days. " Park minhao took out dozens of red bills from his wallet. "These are even the accommodation fees for Wei Wei to live here, as well as your care for her."

"Park Min Ho, you said you were not insulting me?" Huoxi looked at the stack of red bills in park Min Ho's hand. What does Park Min Ho think of him? Is the friendship between him and luoxiwei need to be measured by money? no Huoxi said nothing can accept Park Min Ho such a practice! This is an insult to their friendship! In his heart, he no longer looked down on the character Park minhao. Originally, he could use money to solve everything and any feelings!

"Hosy, I'm not insulting you." Park Min Ho also said with a serious look, "you helped me take care of Wei Wei, helped her buy so many things, you paid the labor, these are all you deserve." He saw that hosy did not reach out to accept his kindness, so he put the money in his hand on the sofa beside hosy.

"I don't want your money!" Huoxi picked up the money from the sofa and put it into Park minhao's hand. "Yes, President Park, you are rich, I am short of money. I go to your company to work for you, and I only have a few hundred yuan a month. However, I also have personality, I can't allow others to insult my personality like this! Let's not allow others to insult the friendship between my sister and me! I don't want your money. The friendship between my sister and me is not what you buy when you say you buy it! "

"Hosy." Park Min Ho looked up and down again. "Although I never read your resume when I was in the company, if I didn't guess wrong, your family's economic situation must be very bad."

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