"Who said to be with you every day?" Luo Xiwei pursed her mouth mischievously. Her eyes widened and looked at Park Min Ho.

"Yes?" Park Min Ho said with a bad smile and said in a joking tone, "I'll drive away by myself in a moment. You can go where you want to go." As he finished speaking, he quickened his pace.

"Oh, no!" Luoxiwei was so frightened that she immediately followed her. She was afraid of being alone on such a dark night. After catching up with Park Min Ho, she can't help but grasp Park Min Ho's right hand.

Park Min Ho's mouth slightly rose, showing a trace of evil charm smile.

Luo Xiwei walks on Park minhao's right hand side, has a very comfortable sense of security. However, Luo Xiwei seemed to notice that although it was dark, when passers-by passed by, occasionally someone would stare at Park Min Ho's left hand.

Is Haven't park Min Ho thrown away his things yet? Or even in your own pocket? At least don't let others see him swaggering on the road like nobody else!

Luo Xiwei poked out her head and looked at the past. She saw that her personal clothes were still in park minhao's left hand. Moreover, he did not group them in his own hands, but carried them in his own hands! Then, at a glance, others can see what he is holding.

"Min Ho!" Luo Xiwei suddenly stood in place and did not go.

"What's the matter?" Park Min Ho noticed that Luo Xiwei's mood seemed to be wrong. "I ran a little faster just now. I left you behind. Are you angry? I'm just kidding you

"Not this one." In Luo Xiwei's palm, sweat almost came out. Her face began to blush unconsciously.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei carefully. He didn't seem to have done anything to embarrass Luo Xiwei!

"Your hand..." Luo Xiwei faltered and said, "how come you haven't lost it?"

Park Min Ho looks at his hand. His right hand is holding Luo Xiwei, and his left hand is I hold my mobile phone in my left hand and carry Luo Xiwei's personal clothes.

"You mean cell phones?" Park Min Ho said with a smile, "I suddenly don't want to throw it away. I remember that there are a lot of software related to property in my mobile phone, and it is bound with my bank card. Therefore, I think I should either put my mobile phone in my home or completely destroy it, so that I can rest assured. No matter how careless, I have to delete the software that has been bound with the bank card and change the password. You know, I have a lot of money on my bank card Park Min Ho told Luo Xiwei very honestly.

"I don't mean that." Luo Xiwei was worried. He is a big man, carrying these things in his hands all the way, and has been mistaken for abnormal again. Does he really not realize that there is something wrong with his walking on the road? She anxiously pointed to park Min Ho's left hand and said, "I mean My clothes... "

With that, Luo Xiwei's face turned red to her neck.

"This one?" Park Min Ho vaguely looked at Luo Xi Wei, "what's the matter?" As Luo Xiwei's boyfriend, park Min Ho didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it.

"Oh! Minho! Do you really or falsely don't understand? " Luo Xiwei was so anxious that she stamped her foot, "you have been treated as a pervert just now. Do you want to have a second time?"

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