"All right." Park Zhihao rubbed against the basement, and Luo Xiwei ran to the bathroom of Park Zhihao's room to take a bath.

When Luo Xiwei came out of the bath, park Zhihao was already sitting on the table, eating hamburgers and laughing at Luo Xiwei.

"Do you like this, too?" Luo Xiwei asked Park Zhihao as she wiped her hair. She could not help laughing at the way Park Zhihao ate like a wolf. She did not expect that such a very mature, elegant Park Zhihao, eating hamburger is so lovely and extraordinary. She chuckled at Park Zhihao, covering her two white front teeth with one hand and continuing to wipe her hair with the other.

"Love me, love my dog." Park Zhihao did not directly answer the question Luo Xiwei asked him, but pretended to say these four words from his mouth at will.

Obviously, Luo Xiwei didn't quite understand what Park Zhihao's words meant. Although she did not understand the meaning of the four words "love my dog and love my dog", she really did not understand who he was talking about.

"Love me, love my dog?" Luo Xiwei looked at Park Zhihao in a daze, "who also likes to eat hamburgers?" Luo Xiwei raised her innocent face and asked Park Zhihao.

Park Zhihao raised his head. A hamburger had already been swallowed. He continued to reach his magic claw to the small bag on the table. It looked like a long and lovely French fries. Park Zhihao raised his head and looked at Luo Xiwei: "don't you understand what I said?"

"Not exactly." Luo Xiwei said while holding the hair dryer that park Zhihao had prepared for her, "I know, you mean that people you like like like to eat this, so you also like to eat this."

"So you understand it Park Zhihao stupidly looked at Luo Xiwei, "I thought you didn't know it! No matter how you say, you are also the president secretary recruited by yanmiao group. No matter how you say, you also need a bachelor's degree to enter yanmiao group. I don't think you really don't understand it! "

"I know, I understand!" Luo Xiwei picked up a dry towel and wiped her hair. "I just don't know who that person is."

"I don't understand that?" Park Zhihao suddenly stood up and said, "of course it's you." Park Zhihao gently looked at Luo Xiwei with two eyes and said extremely gently.

"Me?" Luo Xiwei was scared and stepped back two steps. The hair dryer in her hand fell to the ground and fell in two. Luo Xiwei looked at the hair dryer on the ground and felt embarrassed.

Park Zhihao looked at Luo Xiwei and slowly approached her: "yes, it's you." Park Zhihao went to the hair dryer that had fallen on the ground and stopped. He seized Luo Xiwei's hand with some excitement. "Why, don't you really notice these days?"

"What do you perceive?" Luo Xiwei was shocked.

"I like you Park Zhihao exclaimed excitedly.

"No! No way Luo Xiwei shook her head vigorously, "you are Cheng Xuehui's boyfriend. You are so loving... "

"Love?" Park Zhihao sneered, "where do you see our love?"

"Isn't it?" Luo Xiwei thought about the night when she was almost oppressed by park Zhihao and couldn't break free. If Cheng Xuehui hadn't come in time, she would have been Pu Zhihao Oh, my God! He doesn't want to do that again today, does he? When Luo Xiwei thought of this, she could not help shaking her head and stepped back two steps.

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