"You say I talk like a rascal?" Park Chih ho sneered, "I thought you would tell me that you didn't want to tidy up your room before. You had to ask me to help you with your room, and begged me to do it for you. You look more like a rogue than I am now! After all, what you think of my scoundrel is just a matter of lip service, while your scoundrel is completely manifested in his actions. "

"Brother Zhihao." Park Min Ho gave a cold smile, "your mouth is really more and more slippery. Everyone knows that you are so diligent to help me clean up the house in order to chase the sister of a good friend of mine. My friend didn't have a place to live at that time, so he rubbed in my house for a long time. Once you came to my place to play, it happened that my friend came to my place with his sister. God knows, at that time, I didn't ask you to help me clean up the house because of my laziness. I just wanted to give you a chance to make a good impression in front of my friends, so as to leave a good impression on my friend's sister. Park Zhihao, you can't forget your roots. In fact, I helped you in secret and gave you opportunities. At that time, if I didn't know that girl was lazy and liked diligent boy, would you have a chance to catch her? But then again, you really don't cherish it. It's hard to catch up with that girl after spending so much time. It's no wonder that the girl scolded you for being a scum for several years. However, you have also made me miserable. I lost a friend because of you. After the girl's brother learned that you are such a person, although he said nothing, I could clearly feel that the distance between me and him has become longer. Zhihao, do you secrete too much androgen, so that you will want to do that with a woman as soon as you get a chance? If so, I suggest you go to the hospital to have a look. This is a disease and needs to be treated! "

"Park Min Ho, you also said that I have a glib tongue. In fact, you are the one with more smooth mouth!" Park Zhihao looked at Park Minho discontentedly and felt sad that he had been seen through by him. Although Park Minho's words are true, only park Zhihao knows that there is a man, a woman, and his lover behind the curtain of his house! Even if this woman had a relationship with Park Min Ho that made him feel sad, but in his heart, she was forever indelible and irreplaceable. If Luo Xiwei listened to such a small family, I really don't know how his image will be greatly reduced in Luo Xiwei's heart, thus affecting the difficulty of his pursuit of luoxiwei.

Park Zhihao really didn't want to be like this! He must let Park Min Ho shut up and never allow him to speak ill of him here! Usually, but as long as Luo Xiwei is here, he can't!

"Ha ha." Park Min Ho gave a sneer. The light of his eyes passed over his head and looked into his room. It seemed that the house was too deep to see the bottom, and there was nothing at all. He looked at Park Zhihao, who was slightly nervous at the door and asked, "President Park, why, is your house so big that you are afraid that I will rob you of your wealth or what do you do? Are you reluctant to invite me in? "

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